DIY Custom Bookshelf Designer

This calculator should help you figure out how to cut all of the wood pieces needed for making a built-in bookshelf.
This design is based on a design I saw in a magazine decades ago contributed by Richard Steven from St. Paul, MN. Thanks for the design - I've used it in each house we've moved to!
The heading on my photocopy says "Workshop". I don't know if that is the name of the magazine or not. Let me know if there is an appropriate credit/link to make.


  1. If this is your first time here, leave the settings as they are, and just use my defaults and click Calculate.
  2. Measure and fill in the choices for your bookshelf number and size.
  3. All measurements should be in decimal format, e.g. .75 for 3/4" or .5 for 1/2".
Total Width:
Edges Showing:
Movable Shelves:
Long Stiles?:
Num Columns:
Width is the inside width dimension of the shelves.
Columns Same Width?:
Column Width1:
Column Width2:
Column Width3:
Column Width4:

Height1 is the overall height of the whole unit. Height2 is the percentage of the total that should be reserved for the second set.
Need a second set of shelves on the top of the first? Typically only used for really high ceilings,where you want to have a seam because pieces of plywood longer than 8' are hard to find.
Second Box?:

Depth is the inside depth dimension of each shelf

Wood Thickness:
Trim Overlap:
Crown Molding Height:

You can "name" this design for easier record keeping (it will be saved on your browser only):
Design Name:

Copyright: ©2023 Jon Daley