More code

 Driver: KeyTrap
 Written by Jon Daley for Carnegie-Mellon University, 05/27/1998
 Modified from Ctrl2Cap NTDDK sample
 Built and tested on WinNT 4.00.1381

 Ctrl2Cap info:
   Copyright © 1997 Mark Russinovich  
   Used by permission
   Last Updated July 9, 1997

 KeyTrap info:

    1. Monitor all keystrokes, (I have first access before
         NT sees them)
    2. If I am on*, I will disable the specified keys in 
    3. If I am off**, I will pass the keys through to NT.
    4. Each key status is outputted to the standard debugging

  Required registry entries:
      "Group"="Keyboard Class"

  Unloading of this driver is disabled, because you must use a 
    two-step process to unload, first, do not hook next IRP on current
    keystroke, wait for next keystroke, and then shut down the driver.
    This proved to be more work than was possible and is left as an 
    exercise to the reader.

 * This driver is intended to be loaded the entire NT session, you can 
    start it via "net start keytrap" or the devices menu in the 
    control panel.
     Keytrapping is enabled (after the driver is loaded)
      by one of two ways:
       1. Press F12 three times in a row
       2. Call CreateFile("\\\\.\\KeyTrap",GENERIC_READ | 
            from within a Win32 program.

 ** This driver can be turned off, (ie. no disabled keys) by one of
      three ways:
        1. Press F12 three times in a row
        2. Call CloseHandle(handle) from within the Win32 program
            that called CreateFile()
        3. Close the Win32 program that called CreateFile()

 *** has a neat debugging tool called DebugView.