I had to go calculate the day since we no longer count the days like that any more - it has been great to have less medical stuff going on these days, and we get more comments about her being "so cute" in the grocery stores and the soccer games, etc.

Her hair is growing in, and I don't think I've heard her referred to as a boy in a while (for a while she just looked like she had a really short haircut, but it is growing out more).  She discovered the 18 month clothes bin in the attic the other day and has been wearing some onesies, since she mostly still fits into them.  She'll turn three next month.

We continue to do weekly dressing changes - we had a full day yesterday and so she fell asleep during the change - it is hard to imagine kids screaming through it, but we are certainly blessed to not have that problem. She happily puts on her mask and then holds her hands above her head until it is done.


Posted by Jon Daley on September 30, 2024, 10:15 am | Read 167 times | Comments (9)
Category Grace: [first] [previous]

Faith's soccer team is having a leukemia awareness game in honor of her and Grace and our family.

September 11, 2024 4:00pm

Hillsboro-Deering High School soccer field

It would be great to see any of you who can come!

Posted by Heather Daley on September 2, 2024, 11:44 am | Read 149 times | Comments (1)
Category Faith: [first] [previous] Grace: [first] [previous] [newest]

So sorry I left you hanging.  Grace and I went back to Dartmouth the next Friday.  They did her bloodwork and the creatinine was just fine, so they were reassured and sent us home without further testing.  She has been doing well.

Faith has had two soccer games now, and is also doing well.  Thank you for your continued prayers!

Posted by Heather Daley on September 1, 2024, 6:56 am | Read 521 times | Comments (4)
Category Faith: [first] [previous] [newest] Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Jon and Grace just got back from a very long clinic visit at Darmouth.  Jon did not have time to tell me much, since he had to catch up on work.

Grace's creatinine level was high, so they are concerned about her kidney function.  They double-checked that number and it was still high.  As far as I can see from the lab results, the other related numbers look fine.  Grace is scheduled to go in on Friday for a kidney ultrasound.

In the realm of good news, Faith is improving steadily and has been able to participate in soccer.

Hopefully, more detailed updates soon.

Posted by Heather Daley on August 21, 2024, 5:19 pm | Read 514 times | Comments (0)
Category Faith: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

We were so relieved and happy to have Jon and Grace with us for Family Camp.

Daley summer life has been super full as usual.  Jon got special permission for Grace to ride the Summerfest carousel all by herself (and he wiped the horse down with hospital disinfectant wipes.)

We went to Connecticut to see extended family (big family pictures have yet to be uploaded from our "real" camera.)  Grace is not allowed to get her central line wet, so at the suggestion of a nurse, we wrapped her up in plastic wrap so that she could walk the beach and step in the shallow water. Here she is, all wrapped up, with her bathing suit on top. (Sweet pics of her and Jon on the beach are on the other camera.)

Overall, she is doing well.  Her numbers are looking good.  However, we are still concerned with diaper contents.  What is the right level of softness?  What indicates a problem and what is normal?  There is such a range of normal.  What is her new normal?  Bananas affect it; summer fruit affects it.  Medications affect it.  We are keeping her off dairy for now to eliminate that aspect of the question.

Give thanks to God for her progress and pray that we can have wisdom to know when to intervene.  She also needs to eat and drink more by mouth.  Sometimes, I am impressed by the amount she consumes, and sometimes she still doesn't eat much.

Faith's back, last I heard, was doing ok at Csehy (music camp.)  She still has healing to do and appointments to go to, and soccer to play! Her team is working on getting special jerseys in the orange color of Leukemia awareness and they are working on a plan to sell Victory tshirts at soccer games.  They are inspired by Faith's dedication and sacrifice and wanted to do something for her and Grace and us!

Posted by Heather Daley on July 26, 2024, 4:30 pm | Read 1244 times | Comments (7)
Category Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Grace is all set to leave in a few hours - just waiting on paperwork.

Her potassium is a little high, but they had taken off her potassium-lowering drug, and she has been eating 4-5 bananas a day, so they expect she will be fine once she goes back on her regular meds and has more choices of regular food.

She has been eating English muffins (and the nurses are impressed that she can put the jelly on herself - I'm not sure where that skill falls on the normal development chart to know if that is impressive or not) and French toast as well, but her primary diet has been bananas.

Her stools have been the best they have in a long time, and she even had negative results for blood, which hasn't happened in our memory.

Posted by Jon Daley on July 3, 2024, 9:28 am | Read 822 times | Comments (6)
Category Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Heather is better at writing the updates than I am, though I've been intending to write a few since we've been back in the hospital.

She has been doing quite well the last few days and much more cheery.  Nothing like a colonoscopy to cheer you up I guess.  I hadn't been paying attention (that they hadn't given her any prep drink stuff) before the colonoscopy, but they had decided to do just a sigmoidoscopy instead of a full one, so I was surprised by that when discussing the plans with the GI proceduralist just before getting it done.  He said he would go as far as safe, and went in 20-25 cm, which was bigger than he had gestured with his hands, but I assume is what he was planning on doing from the start, but was just being as nice as he could be to me.

The endoscopy (from the top) was clear, and I was surprised to learn that they started the procedure without intubating her at all, but she had some trouble breathing on her own and so stopped and intubated (using the correct size tube - he was listening - I told about 6 people that day who all said they would get the message to the right person; sometimes they previously have not listened to me, or paid attention to her chart, and used a larger tube than fits well for Grace).

We are still waiting on some viral reports that should come back tomorrow, but she has been officially diagnosed with GVHD*, despite all of the oncology providers thinking that wasn't going to be the case and all of the non-oncology providers assuming it would be the issue, so that is curious to me.  If you read the symptoms at the previous link, you'll see that she doesn't have most of the symptoms, and so I think they are used to seeing more symptoms so figured it was something else.


Posted by Jon Daley on July 1, 2024, 10:21 pm | Read 1834 times | Comments (3)
Category Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Screenshot of a video call on Thursday: 

Friday's procedures went well. They got plenty of marrow for their tests. The endoscopy showed the esophagus healthy. The sigmoidoscopy showed her colon quite inflamed. The surgeon could not tell the cause, but was confident that the pathologist would be able to. She woke up fine, though with some cardiac irregularities that settled themselves. 

A dear friend visited all day Saturday, and this is what Grace looked like on a video call that evening: 

She was eating a bagel, laughing at her brothers, talking, playing. 

They are now just waiting for the colon biopsy results. There's some conflict of advice between GI and nutrition. Hopefully, with results there will be a clear path for what to do with her diet.

The rest of us went to an On Belay family activity day on Saturday, which was nice. It's been a good program for the kids these last several months. www.on-belay.org

However, Faith was in pain by lunch and could not participate in the high-climbing activities. She was really bummed about that.

Sorry about the orientation, I can't fix it on my phone. 

Today is our 23rd wedding anniversary. Plenty of ups and downs for our family in those years!

Posted by Heather Daley on June 30, 2024, 6:41 am | Read 1443 times | Comments (9)
Category Jonathan: [first] [previous] Faith: [first] [previous] [next] [newest] Joy: [first] [previous] Nathaniel: [first] [previous] Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Grace has been on a clear liquid diet until today where she is getting nothing into her stomach until anesthesia at 5:30.  She will be getting a complete GI scope and a bone marrow biopsy.  Please pray for the anesthesiologist and the surgeons as well as for Grace.

Jon called this morning to say that they will be at the hospital at least until Monday, because the doctors want to observe her as she goes back on feeds.  Also, for the results of the biopsies.  (I'm assuming intestinal, because the bone marrow takes a week.)

Jon is discouraged and sleep-deprived, and it's not really practical for me to go there because of Hope.

Grace and Jon did have a good day yesterday, playing games, doing crafts, reading books, painting, watching Mary Poppins.

We're holding on here at home, but now will need to prepare for and go to Family Camp without two important members of the family.  Hopefully, they will be able to join us soon.

In other news, Noah is 18 today, and to celebrate true adulthood, has a written FAA test and a dentist appointment. Laughing

Posted by Heather Daley on June 28, 2024, 8:42 am | Read 792 times | Comments (4)
Category Noah: [first] [previous] Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

When Jon and Grace got back from Dartmouth, Jon asked me to take her temperature.  He could feel that she was hot, but the thermometer they used at Dartmouth did not register a fever (it was the kind that you hold a centimeter away from the forehead.)  My initial armpit reading was 101.8.  That means Boston admission.  So I had Joy and Nathaniel pack a few more days of clothes for Jon and Grace (our emergency bag in the car only has two days' worth) and Jon got her medicines and his work stuff ready.  By the time they left, her armpit temperature was 103.3.

Jon's midnight update included that her fever had gone down to 38.1 (100.8) by the time they arrived at the ER and that she had eaten half a popsicle and smiled for the first time all day.  She got all sorts of tests done and abdomen x-rays.  So far, according to the portal, she is negative for flu and cold viruses and x-rays show nothing unusual.  Her hemoglobin fell significantly, so I expect she got/is getting some blood this morning.  At midnight, she had not been admitted yet, but she is in 6 West now.

Here is a sweet photo of her that Joy took last week:

Posted by Heather Daley on June 26, 2024, 8:55 am | Read 1576 times | Comments (7)
Category Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]
Today, Boston called to say they'd like to observe Grace over the weekend and to prepare for admission on Friday. They will likely do a colonoscopy and maybe even an endoscopy. (And Dartmouth suggested they get some bone marrow while she's sedated.)

She threw up her NG tube this morning and so Jon took her to Dartmouth. They were able to do her regular appointment stuff so we don't have to go in tomorrow. It was a more traumatic NG tube placement than the other two times, and their tape is not as good.

We have been giving her zofran the last few days. Her appetite has been practically nil. There's definitely something going on. It's not the typical GVHD symptoms, but they haven't ruled it out yet. There might be an NF1 related cause; I've done minimal research on that and it's a possibility.

We depend on God to hold us up, so please intercede on our behalf.
Posted by Heather Daley on June 25, 2024, 6:20 pm | Read 1288 times | Comments (9)
Category Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

When Faith signed up for the donation, she was told to expect one or maybe two days of significant pain, and then a week of pain that should be managed with Tylenol and then no running and jumping for six weeks, even if she felt like it.

She had 3-4 days of significant pain, and has certainly gotten better since the first week, but at more than 4 months, continues to have 2 out of 10 pain 24 hours a day.  And more pain if she exerts herself too hard.

Grace's doctors referred Faith to her primary care, who took some x-rays and referred her to physical therapy.  The x-rays didn't show any fractures.  The physical therapist didn't really know what to do, in that she didn't know anything about bone marrow donation, but asked a bunch of good questions and gave her some exercises to do daily.  She is supposed to go back to her primary care if she is still in pain in a month or two.  We did find on Google that 4% of donors are still in pain at 9 months and 1% are in pain at 12 months, but the cancer doctors said that Faith shouldn't be in that class of donors, since she is so young.  We do wonder if the "hard time" the doctors had when collecting the bone marrow would result in this extra pain, but we don't know.

Faith wants to play soccer in the fall, but if the pain continues, will not be able to.  She would appreciate your prayers as she tries to rest, but also work on getting her body ready for soccer.

Posted by Jon Daley on June 21, 2024, 8:37 pm | Read 695 times | Comments (2)
Category Faith: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Today is day +133. (Jon updated this post)

Grace has been having belly pain and a lot of mucus in her stool, often with blood as well.  We took her off cow's milk again (she had been asking for it instead of almond milk.)  We haven't seen much improvement in the last week, and she does complain that her belly hurts and she also has a diaper rash. There is the possibility that this is GVHD (graft vs. host disease) and for the moment we have stopped weaning her cyclosporine.  We are waiting for her Dartmouth team to communicate with her Boston team to see what to do.

Please pray for complete gut healing, normal stools, and normal appetite. And wisdom and peace.

Update in the evening: Her magnesium levels continue to be good, so she is going down another milliileter starting today, and this is the last step until she is done.  We restarted her Zofran today because she has vomitted some and hard to tell what the cause is.  She hasn't been interested in eating that much, but is eating a piece of pizza right now.  She has been asking for a lot of cuddling and has been sleeping with Jon on the couch when he works late nights and they have been enjoying that time together.  We had a good phone call with one of the Dartmouth doctors today and he heard our concerns and allayed some of them, and is asking some more questions to Boston.  He is happy the bleeding in the stool is lower than before stopping dairy, and while getting mucus in the diaper isn't all that uncommon, did agree that if it continues we will need to do something (probably a colonoscopy).

While the Boston doctors said the bone marrow aspirate was reassuring, they did want to do another bone marrow test on July 10th, in response to the results from this one - something about large platelets and investigating that.  Her hemoglobin and other blood tests have been rising on their own, which hasn't happened since the transplant, I think, without a transfusion, so that is good news.

Posted by Heather Daley on June 21, 2024, 11:22 am | Read 861 times | Comments (5)
Category Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

Jon and Grace are heading to Boston on Wednesday for her post-day-100 bone marrow aspirate. Prayers appreciated!

Posted by Heather Daley on June 3, 2024, 6:18 pm | Read 1542 times | Comments (5)
Category Grace: [first] [previous] [next] [newest]

May 31, 6:50pm

9 pounds, 11 ounces


All is well, praise the Lord of Hosts!


‭Romans 15:13 KJV‬
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.


Posted by Heather Daley on June 2, 2024, 9:06 am | Read 818 times | Comments (7)
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