An ENT, a radiologist and an oncologist walk into a bar...

Oh, maybe not, but they at least had a discussion about Grace while looking over the MRI and CT scan together and the conclusion is that it isn't a plexiform fibroma at all!  Which is what Heather has had the faith to pray for all along!  She has had a number of positive signs from God this week and so she is greatly encouraged.  The lunar eclipse was pretty neat to watch, and she was also blessed with a meteor just after as she was going to bed.

I haven't talked to the oncologist/NF1 specialist who was the one to diagnose it in the first place to hear why she changed her mind, but collectively, they don't think what is going is consistent with an NF1 fibroma, so they are looking for another cause.

Grace now has surgery scheduled for next Thursday, the 27th, to check out the potential fluid behind her ear (last time I talked to the ENT, he was thinking it might not be fluid, but some spongy tissue), possibly install a tube in her ear drum to let the fluid out, if it is there but getting blocked from going down her eustachian tube, and do a biopsy to grab near the potential NF1 fibroma to see what it is.

She will be sedated for the procedure.  They haven't scheduled the time yet, but it will likely be at 6:30AM or so.

Posted by Jon Daley on March 21, 2025, 5:19 am | Read 4 times
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Praise God!!!

Posted by Heidi on March 21, 2025, 6:02 am
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