Here is my
original post to enter the contest, here is my
Our computer room/guest room is now functional and neat. There are still two actively-being-worked-on server computers on the card table in the room. We had hoped to have them both in their finished locations by the end of the month, but a broken new hard drive needed to be exchanged, and the colo guy hasn't gotten back to Jon yet. It's possible that clementine will go there tonight. But it still fits in the
purpose of the room - the computer room - and the area is organized and
Here are the pictures:
Back wall view before:
Side wall view before:
Left side of closet before:
Right side of closet before :
(can't even open the door all the way)
Lime Daley computer table before:
Supplies closet before:
1. What was the hardest part of the challenge for you and were you able to overcome it?
The last, hidden bits. Pushing through to finish the drawer and
file spaces with only a few days left after lots of family visits and
vacation time. Yes. Having color-coded tabs to fix my files with
definitely helped to motivate. d:
2. Tell us what kind of changes/habits you have put into place in order for your area/room to maintain its new order?
First of all, getting the toys out of the middle of the room and
into a closet with doors helps a lot. We need to put it away right for
the doors to close - no more spilling of dress-up clothes out of the
Getting the computer supplies organized in the drawers and
closet enable me to find what I need quickly and not buy a new box of
envelopes when I don't need to.
The new file system makes sense
to me and with the new color coding, I can give directions to Jon that
he can follow to actually find what he needs. (Yellow for action/todo
in the front of the file drawer. Green for financial is next,
alphabetized. Then blue for reference alphabetized separately after
all the money stuff. Behind that in the back of the drawer are the
extra hanging and manila folders.)
The top desk drawer (aka
"money drawer") now has a nice compartmentalized container for the
checkbooks, deposit slips, calculator, and office items like paper
clips. All the papers that used to get stuffed in that drawer now go
into appropriate yellow action files so bills don't get lost under
checks, etc.
Laura, do you like my stamps and return address
label container in the second drawer?
Yes, it's a recycled o-cereal
box! That was inspired by you, the lover-of-containers and
containers-don't-have-to-be-expensive organizing junkie.
3. What did you do with the “stuff” you were able to purge out of your newly organized space?
The car-full of computer parts went to a local Goodwill that has a
computer specialty, some things are selling on eBay, and a bunch of
stuff went in the trash.
4. Now that you have completed the challenge, do you think having
and keeping your space organized will make a difference in your life?
I hope so! The difference I hope to see is a happier husband (when he
sees the nice clean space instead of the giant wreck of toys
everywhere) and more efficient time spent at the computer. The hardest part for the boys and me will be to keep it neat by putting away things as soon as we're done.
5. Why do you think you should win the challenge?
Actually (am I allowed to say this?) I don't think I should win - I've seen some other peoples' entries and the beautiful jobs they have done and I don't think mine is as worthy as theirs.
But I still hold out some hope for the bonus prize. Is our pile
of computer stuff to give away big enough? "It
filled up most of our car [carseats taken out, trunk full, only the
driver could fit], and a whole bin at the Goodwill store." I didn't
get a picture of the car, but I did of the hallway before we took it
all downstairs.
So, though I don't think I'll win the contest, I am thankful for orgjunkie and her challenge, and thankful for a neater space to work with, and the team effort we put into it.
Posted by
Heather Daley on
November 30, 2007, 11:27 am
| Read 79674 times
It looks great. Love the cereal box organizer. :D That is the type of thing that I do. ;)
Your space looks great! You must feel great to have everything so nice and neat now! Good job. :)
The cereal box is great! Maybe I can justify high Swiss cereal prices and indulge in some organizing containers at the same time. It just might make the price worth it! Congrats, sis. Once you get the organized wife/mother/homeschooler thing down let me know so I can start out a few leaps ahead of the game. ;) I've been in Switzerland for two months and I still haven't organized my file drawer . . .
Congratulations! It looks great, and I of all people sympathize with the difficulty. I can't wait to see Jonathan's craft area next. :)
It looks great! Congrats on getting it done! It must feel great to have a nice, neat organized room after all your hard work.
We'll have to see if I "can follow [the directions] to actually find what he needs" - can there exist a system that we both can understand??
I haven't been upstairs to see the filing cabinet or the money drawer, but the pictures look great!
You did a great job. I like the cereal box idea, too. I think the way you've set up your filing system sounds very practical. When you have a good system like that in place it makes it so much easier to keep it organized. It looks great.
We ALL did a great job and that includes you! Be proud of what you have done. And sit back and enjoy the beauty of your new room.
I think you did a wonderful job! And it will be sooo much nicer to use the room now!!!
I think you should be proud of what you've accomplished! It's definitely a much more usable space... and that's what the challenge is all about... winning your space back! CONGRATULATIONS!! :)
Ahh, I guess I should clarify. I am very happy with the room and the work we did on it. I just think some other people went from much worse to great, and thus are more likely to get a prize. In answering Laura's last question, I just couldn't say I was the best. I know that my clean organized space is a winner for me - a prize would be bonus, but that's not what it's really all about.
I love how you used the cereal box. Great job.