Jon was with a bunch of people we don't see often last night, and one of the men mentioned that his wife was discouraged by all these homeschooling mother-of-many type blogs where everyone has all their lives together and nothing goes wrong.  So I thought I'd post how my life is not perfect, though it is very blessed.  I am not a perfect mother, but I'm the best one for my children.  I am not a perfect teacher, but I am the best one for my children.  I am not a perfect homemaker, but I'm the best one for my home.  I'm not a perfect wife, but I'm the best one for my husband. I hope this post is encouraging to other not-perfect moms. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on May 28, 2011, 10:18 am | Read 27266 times | Comments (6)
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i have 21 quarters in my quarter colection. those quarters are hawaii, kansas, maine, west virginia, wyoming, idaho, kentucky, arkansas, wisconsin, maryland, south dakota, new york, oklahoma, iowa, north dakota, alaska, florida, louisiana, new mexico, north carolina, and tennessee. they all have very good pictures on them except kansas,  which just has a bison.                     (jonathan)


Posted by Jonathan Daley on May 19, 2011, 7:54 pm | Read 5741 times | Comments (1)
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Joy has two hair swirls at the back of her head.  One goes clockwise and one counter-clockwise.  Each of my other children only have one.

5/3 - Joy's two month appointment.  12 lb, 3 oz.  She is developing a birthmark in the upper right of her forehead (can't remember the very long medical term, and interestingly enough, "birth"marks can appear within a few months of birth and not only at birth.)  It's likely to grow to about a nickel size and then recede to be gone when she's about five or six.  When her hair grows out, it should completely cover it.  Her bellybutton finally finished its healing and got the ok. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on May 19, 2011, 6:57 pm | Read 3896 times | Comments (1)
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Jonathan's new adventure in earning money is a lemonade stand.  He thought maybe he could call it "Lemon Daley" as part of the family theme.

At first, he had all sorts of grandiose ideas, including a frequent buyer's club, a toy day (when you get a toy with your purchase), and a fancy wood stand to sell from.  Jon and I encouraged him to start small.

We also believe in starting where you can afford.  He only had a few dollars in capital. So, even though the cheapest cost per lemon is to buy a bag of 14 lemons at Restaurant Depot for $5, he bought a single lemon for 79 cents.  I offered him a deal on half a bag of sugar for $1.  We also had some paper cups lying around that he got for free. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on May 7, 2011, 3:54 pm | Read 64611 times | Comments (10)
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