Everything is progressing nicely. We were late yet again (Jon thought the appointment was 20 minutes later than it was, and I lost track of time.) Even with rushing, my blood pressure was the same as it has been this pregnancy. The most fun part was when it was time to hear the heartbeat. She got a good strong one and then when it was my turn to listen, the baby got hiccups! So Jonathan got to hear the hiccups, too, which was pretty fun. Hiccups are louder than heartbeats, and slower, and you can see them as well. At the end of the visit, the midwife thanked me for taking such good care of myself. I can also thank my family for taking such good care of me! (see next post about Jonathan.)
Posted by
Heather Daley on
June 27, 2008, 7:37 am
| Read 3094 times
I see from Noah's post that he's helping by encouraging you to take plenty of walks. :)
Yes, and the other day, I said I was about to go take a nap, and Jonathan said, "Shouldn't you do your exercises first?"