4/26 - Jeremiah, after his first bowl of non-sugar cereal, asked for some sugar cereal.Only two pieces fell out of the box when I shook it, and he said, "Not two.  I said'some', like this..." holding up several fingers.

4/29 - Jeremiah can tie knots.  He tied the laces of my slippers together!


5/15 - Jeremiah and I went to the fire station to see the trucks for his special time. He recognized the five on the side (in 59) and said, "It has five on it, maybe Joy went on it." (Because she's five.)

5/15 - Jeremiah asked me, "My children in my belly, Mom?"

5/22 - Jeremiah was trying to tell me about a time when only he, Faith, and Joy were in the house, and some "people not our friends" came to our house.  As I probed to get more information about this, I started to realize it must have been a dream.  This was confirmed when his reply to where the rest of us were was, "Dad, you, Nanel died."  But it took quite a while to convince him it wasn't real.

5/25 - Jeremiah, looking at my cousin tshirt, asking whose hand is whose.  Then he asked about the coat of arms, and he said, pointing to each quadrant, "This is Grandma's house, Grandma's book, Grandma's song, Grandma's tree."

5/26 - Everyone went to St.Mary's parking lot for a bike ride.  Jeremiah can go fast on his no-pedal bike now.  It is actually a bit scary because I need to raise the seat for him.  His arms go in a nice cross-pattern with his running legs, but it makes his steering crazy!


5/26 - Jeremiah said, "We love sun. So fun, so sparkly."

5/26 - Noah said, "I wonder if Billy will be called Bill. I hope not. Bill is so much more boring-er."

5/26 - Joy cheerfully cleaned up the table after dinner mostly by herself and ran the dishwasher.

5/28 - Jeremiah, using shovels and trucks in the sandbox at the camping place, with sheer joy, "Hi, Faith! I workin' in dirt!"

Posted by Heather Daley on June 17, 2016, 2:41 pm | Read 4220 times
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