For those of you who have gotten an "You entered an invalid URL" message when leaving a comment, no I didn't set out to ban you from commenting - it is that you didn't put an "http://" in front of your URL. Due to some security bugs, the input checking code was tightened up a couple months ago, and part of that changed how the URLs were parsed. After months of procrastinating, I finally got around to working on the problem - and it took all of five minutes to add a new type of filter that checks the URL prior to validation and prepends an "http://" to the beginning if you forget.
So, those of you who thought I didn't want to hear from you, comment away...
Posted by
Jon Daley on
July 9, 2007, 4:54 pm
| Read 3049 times
Yayyy :-)
With the "www." even... :)
Now that I think about it, I should have put