I have been teaching Jonathan using a not-so-intense version of the programs recommended by The Institutes. I'm adding this post here, because I want to give updates as a kind of diary. But I wanted to clarify in public why I am doing it.

If it really does work, what better and easier way to learn things? We have fun - I never force him to do anything. My intention is to give him the opportunity to learn interesting things. My goal is not to create a "super baby." It is to have fun with my baby while teaching him about God's world. Here's a paragraph from an email my mom sent me, which sums it up well:

"He's obviously such a bright boy (almost all babies are, but of course our grandson is even brighter :) ), and I'm sure he's learning SO much -- but here's the wonderful thing: whether or not the process "works" the way the IAHP thinks it does, aren't the two of you having a blast, anyway? I know I am, even long distance. Does it matter whether or not they are right in their theories about the brain? In one sense it does, but in another, not at all. You can develop any theory you want about how gravity works, and argue all day long, but still -- the apple falls!"
Posted by Heather Daley on November 2, 2004, 1:04 pm | Read 9179 times
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