I was working on the computer this morning, so Heather and Jonathan made it downstairs before I did. Jonathan asked Heather if he could make breakfast (eggs, since it is Saturday), and Heather said that he wasn't ready to do it by himself, and do it with Daddy.When I got downstairs, he asked me, so I said that he could. He got his stool and then wondered where the eggs were. I told him that since he was cooking by himself, he would have to figure that out. So, he looked all around the counters and dining room table, and then with a hint from Heather, remembered that they are stored in the refrigerator.

I did get the frying pan out for him, and he put the oil in the pan. Then he got the eggs from the fridge and started cracking them into a bowl. His first one wasn't so successful, and ended up with a bit of egg on the floor, and a fair amount on his fingers (the worse part of cracking eggs, in Jonathan's opinion), but he was able to retrieve the bits of shell out of the bowl, and crack a couple more before he decided it was "too yucky". So, he cracked the rest, but handed them to me to do the final opening into the bowl.

Then he whisked them up fairly successfully, though not as much as I would have done. Then he got the milk, though had a bit of trouble carrying it up the stool, since it was almost all the way full -- he could lift it to about the height of his stomach, but not any higher, so he couldn't get it onto the counter while standing on the top step of the stool. I did have to hold the bottom of the container while he poured it, but he did quite well in controlling the flow, though he did put in more than I would have.

Then I got him some pepper, parsley, and oregano, and he put all those in quite well, although again, he used more than I would have. A little more whisking, and then poured it into the frying pan.

Then he got some cheese, (definitely didn't want the pepper jack, so didn't mention it in his list when asking what cheese to get out -- he has decided it is too spicy, though sometimes he will eat it). He had some trouble shredding the cheese with the grater, so asked me to do that. But, mostly got the cheese into the frying pan by himself although it was in a "big chunk" instead of spread out. He tried fixing it by patting the cheese with the spatula, but that didn't really work how he thought it would.

While putting away the cheese, he decided that some Wendy's barbeque sauce (in the cheese drawer) would be nice to put on it, "will make your tongue feel better", so he glopped the sauce on the eggs with a spoon.

Finally, he put the cover on, and we went into the dining room to wait for them to cook. After all that work, he was thirsty, so he asked if he could finish up my apple juice, and swallowed it all in one gulp, and then offered to get me some more (pouring juice is one of his favorite activities, and had panicked when I first came down, that I was going to pour some for myself before he had a chance to get some for me).

He ended up filling both of our glasses, though he did spill a little orange juice - the carton was almost empty, and he couldn't see the spout while pouring, so it was harder to pour than the plastic containers. Pouring the juice had distracted him from setting the table, so he forgot the forks, though he did get out all the plates (carrying them one at a time down from the stool)

While we were eating, he said "Thank you for making eggs with me Daddy!"
Posted by Jon Daley on April 15, 2006, 10:59 am | Read 2634 times
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Thats awesome! I wish I had some more cooking experiance as a kid. although somehow, I do know whats its like to try to spread cheese with a spatula. It was a weird feeling of déjà vu to read that!
Posted by Michael Q on April 15, 2006, 12:04 pm

Awesome, indeed, and gave me a great laugh (several, actually) to start the day. Which of you turned on the stove? And how did the eggs taste? Maybe he and Grandma can do some cooking in June. :)
Posted by SursumCorda on April 15, 2006, 4:27 pm

We use an electric frying pan, so a stove wasn't involved. I did turn it on, in the process of getting it out and plugging it in.

I was thinking that you and he might enjoy that.
Posted by jondaley on April 16, 2006, 7:50 am

Both Jon and I were suspicious about the barbeque sauce, but it was fine. They weren't as puffy as Jon usually makes, but the taste was good.
Posted by joyful on April 16, 2006, 8:11 am
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