We went to the Kuhns' for dinner Thursday evening and at one point Will wanted to go out and ride his bike. Previously, he and Jonathan had been playing with playdough. I asked Jonathan to wash his hands (it was homemade dough and goopy) while I washed the cookie cutters and other playdough utensils. When I finished, I went to find him.
He was not in the bathroom, and he did not respond to my calls. So I decided to look in the garage. Alissa was there, having only gone out about a minute before to see Will pushing Jonathan in the little red car back up the driveway. What had happened was this: Jonathan got in the little red car, zoomed down the driveway, across the street and into the neighbor's yard! So after that we closed the garage door so he could ride the car or tricycle with no danger of going down the driveway. He had thought it immensely fun, but as Alissa said, "I'm glad I didn't actually see it happen."
This morning during breakfast Jonathan was looking at his map of the world and asking me about the countries. He pointed to India, so I told him and he repeated me. Then he said, "India is big and strong. It's next to Oklahoma. I'll show you." I was curious, so I followed him. He got out the US puzzle, and pointed to Texas, right next to Oklahoma! I had not really noticed before how Texas sticks down from the US similarly to how India sticks down from Asia. What an observant boy!
Posted by
Heather Daley on
February 25, 2006, 8:52 am
| Read 2231 times