Faith is 21.8 lb, 29" tall.  Those are both 90th percentile.  Everything checked out great, though he did do some extra fiddling with her legs because she has "asymmetrical creases" in her thighs.  This can indicate problems with the hips or differences in leg lengths, but he concluded that she's fine.  She got a shot and her lead test, which was unhappy, but she was quite curious about the multicolored bandaids and managed to pull them both off before the end of the appointment.

In other news:

6/1 - Faith gave me some real kisses, smacking her lips in imitation of my kisses.

She does like to imitate sounds that we make.  She makes this "tsss" sound that the boys make sometimes when they think something's funny.

6/7 - She can clap, and she uses that clap for the more sign, usually in the context of food, accompanied by "muh, muh" with her voice.

6/8 - She plays peek-a-boo now, putting her hands in front of her face and giggling when we say, "peek-a-boo!"  She will also sometimes say "p, p."  She made up a similar game, putting her hands over her ears, and I respond by saying, "peek-a-boo, ears!"

Since discovering that game, Faith also is experimenting with what it sounds like to talk with your hands over your ears.  I was happy to know from Dr.Anderson's exam, that this is precisely what she's doing and that she does not have any ear infections.

She absolutely adores swinging in the baby swing (thank you, DSTB!!) and laughs at a much higher swing height that I thought she would.

Posted by Heather Daley on June 12, 2009, 8:06 pm | Read 4715 times
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