Jonathan's most recent set of family bits includes the people he knows best - Daddy, Mommy, and Jonathan. The Daddy and Jonathan bits, especially, get a big smile and happy sound when he sees them. When one of those happens to be the last one, he exclaims and points joyously, saying "Daddy!" or the sounds he makes when looking at himself in the mirror. (see next post.)
Posted by Heather Daley on November 16, 2004, 5:07 pm | Read 2376 times
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Very, very cool. I suspect he's less excited about the Mommy bit because he has the real thing right in front of him! I'm pleased that he's able to make the connection between the pictures and the real people -- I know that the quality of the photos is less than stellar.
Posted by SursumCorda on November 17, 2004, 3:01 pm
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