When finding the original link for this post, I came across this article about a mother who blogs, and thought some who read our blog would be interested in this article too.
Posted by Jon Daley on February 7, 2005, 8:20 am | Read 3559 times
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I, for one, am delighted with the parental blogging trend!
Posted by SursumCorda on February 7, 2005, 11:32 am

It amazes me that some mothers with babies are bored at home. (One bored mom mentioned in the article.) I've run into them in other places, too. I have so much to do (that I have to do and that I want to do) that I won't get bored in a hundred years! I do this blog to keep relatives up to date and to keep a kind of diary. But if I didn't choose to do it, I would have plenty of things to keep me busy.
Posted by Joyful on February 8, 2005, 5:36 am

Amen! In my 25 years (so far) as a homemaker (I loathe the term "stay-at-home mom") I have NEVER been bored. I'll admit this makes me uncharitably impatient with those who are.
Posted by SursumCorda on February 8, 2005, 7:00 am
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