Jonathan likes to open the drawer where I store the Bits and take out some to look at. In order to make this an acceptable activity, I have put the retired ones in front and hidden the unseen ones in back, separated by empty file folders. This way, he is free to explore and look at, take out and put in, without messing up my organization.
Today he took out some family, musical instruments, and mammals. He exclaimed, "Daddy!" and "Mommy!" for our pictures, which was no surprise.

Then he handed me a Bit and said, "lemur." It was the ring-tailed lemur! I was very excited about that and I know cousin Brian will be proud. (:

After seeing my positive reaction, he proceeded to hand me other mammals and say "lemur." . . . Until he came to the llama, and then he said, "llama!"

For the curious (including myself) I looked in my records to find that he saw that set 15 times, ending in the beginning of April. Also of interest is the fact that he saw that set in French 21 times, ending in late April.
Posted by Heather Daley on June 10, 2005, 3:01 pm | Read 2200 times
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