The other day, Jonathan pointed his hand like a gun at Noah and made the shooting noise (not going to try to spell that one!)  Directly in response, Noah pointed at Jonathan and went, "pfff, pfff, pfff."


6/6 - Noah got to a standing position from the floor without pulling up on anything.  He has done it several times since.  But he still doesn't want to take more than a single step.  Even for Grammy...


Today Jonathan asked me, "Why do people put fire on shot cuts?"   What???   But he is patient in explaining what he means and I finally understood that he meant "Why do people cauterize bullet wounds?"

Posted by Heather Daley on June 8, 2007, 2:49 pm | Read 10848 times
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If he's getting to standing from the floor without pulling up on anything, you know he's really ready and not being encouraged to stand before his time. Congratulations, patient parents (and grandparents). :)

Posted by SursumCorda on June 8, 2007, 3:38 pm
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