Noah loves to help Daddy with the plumbing in the new house.  In fact, he had a hard time making the decision about whether he should stay home and plumb with Daddy or come to the zoo with the rest of us.  (After Jonathan exclaimed about the baby elephants, Noah eventually decided to come to the zoo.)

He likes to put on flux, and fetch tools for Daddy, and he is very good about avoiding the end of the hot torch and potentially hot pipes.  He will sit for hours on the floor with scraps and tools, fitting pieces together and taking them apart.  He usually knows exactly where the tape measure, flashlight, and screw driver are at any given time.

 In other news, people have been wondering how Noah has been taking the move.  At first, he didn't really know what was going on.  But the first day that the furniture was out of the new house, he was quite startled to see our bedroom empty.  I had asked him if he knew where the camera was (we had lost it a couple of days before moving day but as you can see we found it again.)  He brought me all the way upstairs (I'm sure he remembers seeing the case which had been in our bedroom.)  When he got three steps from the top of the stairs, he stopped and wouldn't budge further.  He reached for me, saying, "Bed? Bed?"  When I picked him up, he clung to me very tightly, continuing to wonder where the bed was.

However, it hasn't taken him long to get used to the new house.  The other day when we drove in from some errand, he exclaimed, "Home!"

Posted by Heather Daley on August 30, 2008, 8:47 am | Read 39962 times
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