April 4, it snowed six inches.  The next day, I wrote this:

Today the snow is still there and the sun is out and the sky is bright blue.  It feels like a gorgeous February day! But since it is April, Nathaniel is just that much more developed that he can enjoy this snow day to the max!  He can walk with his snow boots on, and he walked the farthest outside he has yet in his life. He loved it so much!  He swished through the snow just like the big kids; he patted it (his arms are still short enough that he didn't need mittens, but just kept his hands inside the sleeves of his snowsuit); he rolled in it.  He was so happy, it was such a joy to watch him.  By the time we came back inside, his cheeks and nose were bright red, but there was still a smile on his face.  Such a blessing for a late snow!


Posted by Heather Daley on April 17, 2016, 3:59 pm | Read 3254 times
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