He is mostly using only one sign now, rather a "universal yes" - it's kind of like the real "yes" but kind of like a wave, and often done with both arms.  Do you want to get down? Yes.  Do you want milk? Yes.  Do you want more granola? Yes.  Etc.

Did I mention he's a climber?  He now easily climbs up the kitchen stepstool that Jonathan uses, and I'm thinking maybe we should get two...  He also can climb up the little red chairs that Jonathan stands on to see over the porch, and so we now have a new rule that those chairs cannot be left up against the porch railing.  I've seen too much climbing activity to feel safe about that.


He now will try to put stuff on his head for a game, but ends up getting it behind his neck instead.


6/12 - Noah deliberately and consistently put a circle puzzle piece in the correct spot.


His two first bottom molars have broken the surface.


He likes to copy me or Jonathan blowing.  I'm going to let him try to blow out his birthday candle.


Noah likes strawberry rhubarb pie! 

Posted by Heather Daley on June 14, 2007, 4:50 pm | Read 2261 times
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Noah likes strawberry rhubarb pie? Good man!

Posted by SursumCorda on June 14, 2007, 5:22 pm
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