11/8 - It was gusty and the maple seeds were being blown off our big tree by the thousands.  It was such an amazing sight!  The little helicopters were fluttering everywhere, even swarming like a host of grasshoppers or little birds.  The grand picture was the swarming, and then if you focused on one little seed, you could see it twirling and swirling up and down like a little hummingbird.  It was such a neat thing to watch!

11/9 - JPD first step - JDD saw it

11/11 - JPD climbed up the stairs all the way with me behind

11/12 - JPD climbed up the stairs all the way by himself

He's done it several times with and without people behind him and he's had a few tumbles (with and without people behind him.)

JPD had a dr. appt at 8 months instead of 9 months because of the immunization schedule.  The nurse wondered which checklist she should use, the 6 mo or the 9 mo, and we decided to go with the 9 mo. There were three things we noted that he could not do yet, but I observed him doing it by the time he reached 9 mo. Those are, knowing his name (I thought he sort of knew, but I wasn't sure), playing peek-a-boo on his initiative, and pointing with one finger.

He throws himself back on the ground when he's mad about something.  He's bonked his head a bunch doing that.  Now that we're in Hillsboro, we have people who remember when Jon used to do that...

Joy got a new cold that started in the evening of 11/13, she was coughing 11/14 night, then wheezing 11/15 morning.  I gave her nebulizer treatments 8:45am, 12:45pm, 9:30pm.

Jeremiah was also wheezing with his cold, but it was only on Saturdays.  I talked with the doctor this week and she prescribed him his own mask so I can give him treatments also when necessary.

She also recommended cold-mist humidifiers for them when they get wheezy.

11/15 - Joy, showing me her doll, "Dis my Dan-el." Then, pointing to herself, "Dis Jan-ee."

11/18 - Jonathan turns 10!  I remember really enjoying being 10.  I gave Jonathan the "Be 10 Again!" tshirt that my Grandpa gave me.  It's a tad on the small side, but he still likes to wear it.

11/20 - Jon, to the kids, "Who wants to go to Pittsburgh with me in December?" Joy jumped down from her chair and exclaimed, "I socks!"

11/20 - Faith, as we went outside, "Mom! It smells like snow!"

Lovely and fun and yummy Thanksgiving with the Alloways/Wightmans/Langdons/Sloanes/Etc.  Kevin brought Layla and we all like her a lot.

11/25 - I was explaining to Joy a bit about the digestive system and how her intestines take the nutrients from the food to the rest of her body so she can grow.  She replied, "I growing right now! I bigger like Thaith."

11/26 - Joy asked me, "Grandma holding Jeremiah?"  "Yes," I said.  Joy, "Ohh, so cute!"

One of the first things Jon said when we arrived home after the Thanksgiving trip was, "The shelves are dry!"  So we've been hauling our massive book collection into the school room and cramming them into our big, beautiful new shelves.

I knew we had more books than could even fit, but it's even more than I thought.  So we'll be doing some thinning.  I know at least two of my readers would like a list of the books we're giving away, so I'll go ahead and post the list since I'll be typing it up anyway.

12/3 - Faith's two bottom six year molars are half way in already!

Posted by Heather Daley on December 5, 2013, 8:31 am | Read 8673 times
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Joy may not understand "Pittsburgh," and she may not understand "December," but she sure knows "Who wants to go"!

Posted by Linda Wightman on December 5, 2013, 9:31 am
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