I am posting my backlog of pocket notes. Sometimes details are sparse.

8/9 - JPD, "The last name of my yellow shirt is 'Egg'." (Full name is 'Scrambled Egg')

8/10 - JPD, "Joy is my buddy." (Joy gone with Grammy.)

8/12 - Talking with a townsperson. He said, "I met a family that was very
strange. Similar to yours..."

8/13 - both upper canines definitely in [Jeremiah, Nathaniel? Why didn't I
write who this was for?!]

8/14 - NPD "buh" buckle

8/25 - JPD, "I have a necklace made out of moon lace."

Other august words for Nathaniel: "mine"; "men" = pen; "boo" = screw
Posted by Heather Daley on August 30, 2016, 12:00 am | Read 1990 times
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