From all outward appearances, Grace has been doing very well. She's eating well and gaining weight. All her blood numbers look good. She only has one more week of her last medicine.

However, I noticed a dark spot in her right ear and wondered if it could be connected to her hearing loss. 

When Jon took her in last week, they confirmed that the spot is an indication of the possibility of a neurofibroma​. Grace is scheduled for a brain MRI on February 12. 

Please pray that God will heal whatever is there so that the MRI will show everything as normal. Please also pray that she will be able to handle the procedure without having to be sedated. And please pray that we will trust God and not be anxious. 

Grace loves her bath time, requesting a "shower" nearly every day. She plays with a set of graduated cylinders and asks me how many "hillometers" she has filled. 

Each night at bedtime, she asks me to sing Amazing Grace, and then Twinkle Little Star, Twinkle Teeny Tiny Star, and Twinkle Big Star. 

She can jump with two feet and loves going bouncing with her siblings.

Nathaniel and Jeremiah were joking around. Grace said, "Dat a knee slapper!"

Posted by Heather Daley on January 31, 2025, 3:13 pm | Read 9 times
Category Grace: [first] [previous]

Great picture! She's looking really good, and it sounds like she's doing well. I'll be praying about the MRI. I remember when Gaunce had to have brain MRI's and it was tough.

Posted by Kathy Lewis on January 31, 2025, 4:03 pm

She is making up for lost time with the showers! Hugs to you all. We continue to keep you in our thoughts.

Posted by Dstb on January 31, 2025, 4:06 pm

We will keep praying. May the Lord bless you all.

Posted by Jen Newhouse on January 31, 2025, 4:12 pm
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