Last week I felt the baby moving.  This is always a fun thing for a mom, to feel that physical connection to the baby. 

However, this quickening has brought with it an element of surprise.  I do tend to feel my babies early, but that still brings me to at least 14 weeks of pregnancy.  And I thought I was around 10!  So, counting backwards from there, I was pregnant at Christmas, but I took the pregnancy test too early for a positive result (the baby was likely a week old.)

Counting forward, this puts the due date at the beginning of September, instead of October as I originally thought.

All of a sudden, I am in the second trimester!  This is going really fast.  I'm feeling really well, making sure I get a good nap every day, and working on walking more (spring is helping that!) 

Here's a prayer request, though.  I called our midwife (the one who helped with Jonathan and Noah) and she is finally retiring at the end of June.  I am glad for her, because she wanted to retire when Noah was born.  But it does make our birthing decisions tougher.  So pray for us to have wisdom and guidance in this matter so that our baby can be born healthy and happy. 

Posted by Heather Daley on March 18, 2008, 3:46 pm | Read 2631 times
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Hmm, early September? Are you trying to tempt your sister to stay longer in this country?

Posted by SursumCorda on March 18, 2008, 7:08 pm

Sure seems like it!

Posted by IrishOboe on March 19, 2008, 5:04 am
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