For the first time, on Wednesday before we left for Erica's wedding, Jonathan said, "You're the best Mommy in the world." Now he frequently says similar heartwarming things.
He was the ring bearer at Auntie E's wedding, and he did a superb job. He likes to wear his "wedding clothes" and say he's the ring bearer.
Jonathan likes to watch when I show Noah his math dots, and very frequently says, "After math dots, we do spinning!" That means that he holds on to my arm and I swing him off the bed, around and plop back on the bed again.
After a long time of counting to 11, he is now starting to continue, "... 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20!" He'll often do several random teen numbers, but can get the 18,19,20 consistently.
In an effort to have my devotional times consistently, I now read aloud from the Bible in the morning while Jonathan is nursing. I've been reading from the KJV recently because our good friends use it and I haven't really read it much. I figured Jonathan would benefit from having scripture read over him even if he didn't understand much yet. But he has been asking questions sometimes and the other day asked, "Let's read some more Matthew."
This afternoon in the car, he found the little Bible in the car and said, "I want to read the blue Bible. Would you like to hear Matthew 7? The disciples...the disciples didn't do anything. Jesus stood on the water on the sea. The disciples didn't do anything."
Posted by
Heather Daley on
October 24, 2006, 1:33 pm
| Read 5672 times
I laughed with joy as well as amusement at his "disciples didn't do anything" story. Now I'm thinking of a new homemade book....