In addition to not using baby talk (Would my wittle Jonafan wike a nice kissy-poo?) it is a good idea to go even further and not use baby slang. Here is a personal example of how Jonathan learned the correct words instead of a word he would have to grow out of someday.
On the way home from the store this morning, Jonathan tripped on an uneven sidewalk and fell flat. He complained a little and I went to help him up (his hands were full of treasures from the walk.) I asked if he had scraped his knees, and he said, "Bruise."

In the past, he has given people blank stares when they mentioned "boo-boos." That's a generic phrase for any manner of injury, and I'm glad that Jonathan can distinguish between scrapes, cuts, and bruises and use the correct language!
Posted by Heather Daley on September 9, 2005, 10:19 am | Read 1977 times
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Me, too! No "owies" for Jonathan!
Posted by SursumCorda on September 9, 2005, 10:57 am
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