Jonathan fell down one whole flight of stairs all by himself this afternoon. ): All three of us were up in the computer room, and he was happily exploring the floor. Then Jon said, "is something burning?" and I suddenly recalled that I had been making dinner. I rushed downstairs, and in my hurry, did not close the gate behind me. Jon continued doing computer stuff, and Jonathan continued exploring. I took care of the burnt lentils and started making some more. Then we heard three or four thump, bumps, and then crying. When I heard Jon run down the stairs, I knew that Jonathan had fallen down them (and not some other falling.) Jon picked him up, and I came too. Praise God, only one goose egg and a few abrasions on his head, some abrasions on his mouth, and a fat lip. Jon thought there was some bleeding in his mouth, but it stopped before we could look again. After he calmed down, we noted that everything he did was normal - nothing broken or funny. He can walk and pick up things, and all the usual. He does like chewing on the ice pops, though. Rather heartwrenching, I must say.
Posted by Heather Daley on September 21, 2004, 7:29 pm | Read 3217 times
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Okay, it's time to start teaching him to go down the right way. He now knows that going forwards is a little too exciting. :) By the way, I thought I'd pass on some advice from from our doctor. When a child takes a fall like that -- and he will, sooner or later, whether down the stairs or out of a tree -- it's best to curb the instinct to pick him up immediately, in case of back or neck damage. Comfort him, yes, but wait till he gets up himself to hold him, so you know you won't be making things worse. You already know our doctor's other comment on such accidents -- that crying is good; it lets you know he's conscious. And I'm sure you remember the trick of shining a light suddenly into his eyes to check for proper and even contraction of his pupils. We did that often enough for you and your sister....
Posted by SursumCorda on September 22, 2004, 7:33 am
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