Last night Jonathan was helping me set the table for dinner.  He said we should get five plates, but I said no, Noah has his tray so he doesn't need a plate.  But he could get five bowls for the chili, and five spoons.  Then I said, "Make two of them big spoons." "Why?"  "Because Daddy and Miss Sanda like big spoons for chili."  "So, then I should get three small spoons."  That was quick subtraction in his head without any prompting from me!

Jonathan is also well on his way towards reading.  Some small words come quickly (sorry I can't think of any examples at the moment) and he's faster at getting to the real word from the sounding out process.  "LLL-oh-err-dd, Lowerd, Lord!"  He was sounding out randomly chosen words from our Bible the other day, doing a good job despite the small font.

After talking to a Dad at church the other day, Jon has started us on family scripture memorization.  Jonathan can say Psalm 1.  He's really good at individual phrases; sometimes transitioning to the next phrase is tricky.  But the other day he only needed one prompt word and he said the whole thing for Miss Sanda at dinner.  I'd like to get a video but I don't want to intimidate him.  Right now he's excited about memorizing scripture and I don't want any pressure (to perform for a video, for example) to dampen the enthusiasm.

Posted by Heather Daley on January 17, 2008, 2:55 pm | Read 2595 times
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That's m'boy! Hugs from Grandma.

Posted by SursumCorda on January 17, 2008, 5:32 pm
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