Our lawyer talked with the district attorney at some point after the inquest finished to encourage him to end this whole legal ordeal, and to (re)emphasize that we are not in favor of this. It sounded as if he didn't really care a whole lot what we think. The estimate is that he will take 4 to 6 weeks to decide what to do. So, in LST (Legal Standard Time) that probably means 8 to 12 weeks.

I will let you know when we hear something.

Prayer requests:
Continued prayers for us to trust God's guidance in our lives, and for our faith as we seek Him.

Posted by Jon Daley on June 16, 2003, 2:00 pm | Read 4475 times | Comments (0)
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Posted by Jon Daley on June 15, 2003, 8:01 pm | Read 33008 times | Comments (0)
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There was a funeral held today for Isaac in Old Saybrook, CT. Many members of our family were there, as well as a couple friends. The text of the bulletin is below. My grandfather led the service and a meditation on our hope and expectation of life after death for ourselves.

There were many people who made the burial, service and reception possible. Thank you to all who worked to make this day what it was. Thank you for doing things so that Heather and I didn't have to worry about them.

Prayer requests:
  Continued prayers for us to trust God's guidance in our lives, and for our faith as we seek Him.

Posted by Jon Daley on June 15, 2003, 8:00 pm | Read 3588 times | Comments (0)
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"Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who persecute you"
-- Matthew 5:44

The inquest just finished this morning. It has been a big media circus -- radio stations started the publicity this morning, and there were tons of reporters and cameras at the courthouse.

Fortunately, our lawyers recommended that Judy, Heather and I not be there, so we didn't have to talk to the media.

The coroner recommended to the district attorney that he press charges of homicide against Judy. The district attorney doesn't have to take that recommendation, but usually he follows the advice of the coroner. The whole process is highly political, so it is hard to know what will happen.

I was struck today by an article in the Voice of the Martyrs today where persecuted Christians in Muslim countries were praying for their captors and persecutors. So, I had a different prayer this morning -- not just that Carol Mills McCarthy (the judge) would make the right decision, but that she, Ed Borkowski (assistant district attorney), and Cyril Wecht (the coroner), would be blessed in their job, in their families, in their lives.

Prayer requests:
Please pray for Judy for strength to endure through what will most likely be a long and drawn out time.
Also pray for Judy's finances, as trials are really expensive, probably fifty to a hundred thousand dollars, which is hard to imagine.
Continued prayers for us to trust God's guidance in our lives, and for our faith as we seek Him.

Posted by Jon Daley on June 6, 2003, 2:00 pm | Read 3656 times | Comments (0)
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Scott Hansma originally wrote a plugin for Eudora in 1997. When he graduated, he asked if I wanted to take over control of the source, as he wasn't interested in working on it any more. (More)
Posted by Jon Daley on June 1, 2003, 12:00 pm | Read 9913 times | Comments (0)
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