Noah is doing great at his speech practice.  When he thinks about it, he can do /k/ and /g/ sounds at the beginning, ending, and middle of words.  Examples: "big pig" "good guy" "duck"  I'm so encouraged!


Posted by Heather Daley on January 23, 2010, 11:09 am | Read 7877 times | Comments (4)
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I figured I would post this here, since probably lots of you don't read our company blog.  Lime Daley is now a distributor for various electronic products (computers, memory, hard drives, batteries, PDAs, TVs, software, etc.)  The prices are sometimes better than what you can get elsewhere; it depends on what it is, and what deals they have going on at the time.  So, let me know if you are looking for something, and I can check prices.
Posted by Jon Daley on January 21, 2010, 11:44 am | Read 2994 times | Comments (3)
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Faith can crawl downstairs now, and off chairs and couches.

1/14 - Faith finally signed milk.  She still only does it with prompting, but it's a start.

1/13 - Noah said broccoli with prompting "bwah-kuh-wee"

We've been working hard on /k/ and /g/ in school.  On 1/15, he said "gum" correctly and fluidly.  This is a major accomplishment!  (Normally he leaves the tricky consonants off entirely.  When concentrating, he can say the sound with a space before the next sounds, like "c--at".  He can do a few sounds like "ca" and "kuh".  Then "kuh--t" (cut) but not "cut".  So this "gum" was a breakthrough.

Other things Noah says which I think are more normal mistakes are switching some consonants.  He says "wordl" for "world" and "mintuh" for "minute".

Some Noah quotes:

1/14 - He crashed when standing on a cchair and leaning over the back.  He seemed a bit shaken but did not cry.  I asked him if he needed a kiss.  The reply: "Superbats always okay when them fall over."

1/16 - At lunch, I asked Faith to "bite down."  Noah commented, "Or bite up."  Right.  Our lower jaws go up when we bite.  Why do we call it biting down?

Posted by Heather Daley on January 16, 2010, 5:23 pm | Read 8904 times | Comments (2)
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There is a bizarre issue with AT&T and their latest phone - the tech support folks (even the second level) haven't ever seen one, and the scripts they have are made for the original Tilt, and AT&T somehow hasn't realized that while it probably is possible to do it the "old" way, there is a much easier method, and has a side benefit of being cross platform compatible quite easily. (More)

Posted by Jon Daley on January 15, 2010, 3:51 pm | Read 67692 times | Comments (1)
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We spent two weeks in New Hampshire for Christmas.  It turns out that Faith doesn't really like snow.  She looked at me like I was from outer space when I offered her some to eat.  Hopefully this aversion does not last.  The boys, however, have a blast playing out in the snow.

Over the time we were there, Faith learned to say, "no" and "down"  which she pronounces without the "n".  She says "dow" to mean both up and down.

Jonathan and Noah got two sample karate lessons.

Jonathan went on a New Year's overnight with Grammy and her youth group to First Night in Burlington, VT.  He had "the best time ever!"

My wonderful mother-in-law (but I don't need a law to tell me to love you!) took me out to breakfast all by ourselves one morning.

January 3, Jonathan lost his second tooth.

When we got home, I rejoiced to see that God cares about the little things and prevented any mice from visiting my kitchen while we were gone!

1/6 - I discovered Jonathan and Noah using their new Christmas Nerf dart guns to play a geography game, shooting at the world map and seeing where they hit.

1/7 - All the kids were playing Rescue Team.  "Our number is 9-1-9, so if you need us, just call 9-1-9 and we'll come to the rescue!"  Pretty soon I had an emergency (there were bad guys locking the silverware drawer and I needed the forks to be rescued and put on the dinner table) and they came running.  The boys had their First Night bracelets on and their Nerf guns.  Faith had the play goggles on her face and a pencil in her hand.  She triumphantly stepped into the room, holding her pencil out and saying, "tada!"  It was priceless.

Posted by Heather Daley on January 10, 2010, 5:07 pm | Read 11866 times | Comments (3)
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