4/15 - Faith and Noah are playing house.  They are married, and are parents to Faith's "purple baby doll".  Noah says to Faith, about their baby, "When she is happy, I hold her.  When she is sad, you milk her."

4/18 - We were talking about heaven (I don't remember the beginning of the conversation) and the boys were discussing what it might be like.  Noah said something about being able to do amazing things to the bad guys.  Then both Jonathan and I said there won't be any bad guys in heaven.  Noah was taken aback by this and the look on his face was priceless.  He just couldn't comprehend how heaven could possibly be fun if there were no bad guys to fight.

Faith still asks me to tell her "Moses and the little boat" every night at bedtime.  She has asked for this since at least December.  I got tired of saying it in my own paraphrase, so I have been reading Exodus 1:7-2:10.  One night recently, when I had finished, she rolled over and sleepily said, "That's a good story."

4/20 - Random dinnertime discussion.  How much salsa can you fit in a minivan?  We calculated about 2 tons.

On Easter Sunday, we were singing some resurrection hymns.  When we had finished, Jonathan was still looking through the hymnal, and he said, "Here's one that has parts about the cross and rising again, this would be a good one."  Which one was this?  St.Patrick's Breastplate.  Honey to a mother's heart. (And a grandmother's, too I'm guessing, as soon as she reads this.)

4/27 - Joy found her thumb.  She has also been grabbing at any fabric that is near her hands, mostly her clothes and sometimes the spitup rag.

And now I leave you with the funniest quote of the week:

4/26 - Another dinnertime discussion, talking about recent holidays.  Noah asked, "What's Lent, Mom?"  I explained a little bit.  Then he responded, "Oh.  I thought it was that stuff in between your toes."

Posted by Heather Daley on April 29, 2011, 2:44 pm | Read 2333 times | Comments (1)
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Noah (while we started the woodstove): Can fire do anything to metal?
Dad: It can melt it, if it is hot enough.

Noah (wide-eyed): So, you could melt the metal into a sword?

Noah then relays the conversation to Jonathan, who is taking a bath.

After some discussion about where one might get metal to melt, and Jonathan thinking that maybe the combination of our woodstove and the MAPP gas torch would get the metal hot enough, Noah comes back.  After each question below, Noah consulted with Jonathan and then came back with a new question.

Posted by Jon Daley on April 19, 2011, 10:33 am | Read 2601 times | Comments (8)
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Faith has started calling Jonathan, "Ohnny-int"  This is related to how she says medicine ("meddy-int") and other words that end in /n/.

She also says her own name, which sounds unfortunately rather like "Hate" but the /t/ is a bit softer, maybe halfway between that and "Hathe".

3/30 - In the morning, I woke to the sound of the floorboards squeaking in my bedroom.  I opened my eyes and there was Jonathan with a tray of toast and juice!  What a sweetheart. (More)

Posted by Heather Daley on April 15, 2011, 9:13 am | Read 57035 times | Comments (5)
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