4/3 - I said to Jeremiah, "Your shoes are on the wrong feet, sweetie."  He replied, "I not 'sweetie'.  Joy is 'sweetie'."

4/10 - Joy and I spent a grueling but satisfactory three hours earning our yellow and orange belts, respectively.

4/14 - Jeremiah, "It will be so so so fun if I get lots of drums toys for Christmas." [Note from Mom: maybe not so fun for me.]

4/15 - Noah, "I am King Excalibur, and my sword is Arthur!"

4/15 - We were just about to leave to go to some friends' house for dinner when Faith came runnung inside, "Mom! Nathaniel's bleeding!"  I grabbed a kleenex and ran down the side porch stairs. There is blood all over his shirt, pants, shoes, and the sidewalk.  After a quick check from toes on up, I discovered that the cut is in between his eyes (a little higher and to his left than Jeremiah's similar cut.)  I clamped on the kleenex, scooped him up and brought him to the kitchen sink.  By that time, Daddy had been alerted also and he came to the kitchen to check it out.  When I took the kleenex off, it had already stopped bleeding, and we could tell that, though significant, it was not as bad as Jeremiah's had been and we figured it probably did not need stitches.  After we took off his clothes and cleaned up the blood, Jon applied a butterfly closure with a couple of regular bandaids on top.  Nathaniel was really good about the whole thing.  Only 15 minutes later than we meant to be, we went to our friends' house for dinner.  The wound did ooze blood that evening, but it was fine in the morning.  He has amazingly not been picking at it.  I hope that continues even as it starts to itch.  We don't even know exactly how it happened.  The kids were playing in the driveway and no one actually saw him fall, or what he fell on.

4/16 - Jeremiah counted to seven correctly on his own.

4/16 - I have been doing knee pushups ever since starting karate.  This year, I made a goal of doing ten pushups every day in February as a kickstart to the habit of daily pushups.  After my karate test, I figured I could up the count to 20 a day.  But, partly due to Jon's encouragement, I gave full pushups a try. On Friday, I did it! Ten full pushups!  And again yesterday, and I'll do it again today.  Very exciting and motivating.  Proof that a little can grow with consistent work!

Joy can tie her shoes!  She got some sparkly Hello Kitty shoes on her birthday shopping trip with Grammy, and it only took a couple of weeks for her to get it consistently. She's still slower than the rest of us, but she no longer needs help.

Posted by Heather Daley on April 17, 2016, 4:20 pm | Read 6183 times | Comments (0)
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3/4 - "It's like somebody chewing on a guitar string lengthwise." Jonathan was commenting on a squeaky artichoke.

3/11 - Faith lost lower left 2nd incisor. (R one was a couple of days earlier)

3/12 - Nathaniel was interested in the potty and went a couple of times. I have not been consistent helping him be on it, though.

Jeremiah sings "Butterfly Amazing Grace" and asks me to, also.  I didn't know what he meant when he first asked me, so I just sang "butterfly amazing grace" to the tune of amazing grace, over and over, and he liked it.

3/13 - NPD "here ya go" giving Jeremiah a piece of paper.  (sounds like hah-ya-doh)

3/15 - Joy can wink both eyes.

3/22 - Jeremiah asked for "some of those green berries."  He meant grapes.

3/22 - We were talking about how pencils keep disappearing from our house.  Noah said, "The Greeks would say the pencil gods were mad at us."

3/23 - Nathaniel can run.

3/30 - Overheard, Joy explaining to Jeremiah, "'Obstacles' means 'stuff in your way'."

3/31 - Nathaniel pointed to a raisin and said, "Ray-rih".  Jonathan asked, to be sure he heard right, "You want raisins?"  Nathaniel replied, "Yeah."  And he also said "more" later.

Posted by Heather Daley on April 17, 2016, 4:08 pm | Read 5875 times | Comments (0)
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April 4, it snowed six inches.  The next day, I wrote this:

Today the snow is still there and the sun is out and the sky is bright blue.  It feels like a gorgeous February day! But since it is April, Nathaniel is just that much more developed that he can enjoy this snow day to the max!  He can walk with his snow boots on, and he walked the farthest outside he has yet in his life. He loved it so much!  He swished through the snow just like the big kids; he patted it (his arms are still short enough that he didn't need mittens, but just kept his hands inside the sleeves of his snowsuit); he rolled in it.  He was so happy, it was such a joy to watch him.  By the time we came back inside, his cheeks and nose were bright red, but there was still a smile on his face.  Such a blessing for a late snow!


Posted by Heather Daley on April 17, 2016, 3:59 pm | Read 3303 times | Comments (0)
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