Search Results: able

Hrm.  This guy's logic seems alright to me.  A friend recently said it is the time to go buy a really, really expensive house, since once inflation goes way up, the house loan will be the same as a loaf of bread at the new rates...  :) (More)
Posted by jondaley on August 28, 2011, 10:17 pm
Category: Internet
I don't think it has been said here, other than in small mentions here and there, that I joined our volunteer fire company in Middlesex Township a couple of months ago.  I am not sure of the exact number of incidents that I've gone out on, but the number is probably around 8 or so, though... (More)
Posted by jondaley on June 9, 2011, 4:57 pm
Category: Reviews
Joy has two hair swirls at the back of her head.  One goes clockwise and one counter-clockwise.  Each of my other children only have one. 5/3 - Joy's two month appointment.  12 lb, 3 oz.  She is developing a birthmark in the upper right of her forehead (can't remember the... (More)
Posted by joyful on May 19, 2011, 6:57 pm
Category: General, Jonathan, Noah, Faith, Joy
Jonathan's new adventure in earning money is a lemonade stand.  He thought maybe he could call it "Lemon Daley" as part of the family theme. At first, he had all sorts of grandiose ideas, including a frequent buyer's club, a toy day (when you get a toy with your purchase), and a fancy... (More)
Posted by joyful on May 7, 2011, 3:54 pm
Category: Jonathan, Noah
4/15 - Faith and Noah are playing house.  They are married, and are parents to Faith's "purple baby doll".  Noah says to Faith, about their baby, "When she is happy, I hold her.  When she is sad, you milk her." 4/18 - We were talking about heaven (I don't remember the beginning... (More)
Posted by joyful on April 29, 2011, 2:44 pm
Category: Jonathan, Noah, Faith, Joy
Noah (while we started the woodstove): Can fire do anything to metal? Dad: It can melt it, if it is hot enough. Noah (wide-eyed): So, you could melt the metal into a sword? Noah then relays the conversation to Jonathan, who is taking a bath. After some discussion about where one might get... (More)
Posted by jondaley on April 19, 2011, 10:33 am
Category: Jonathan, Noah
Faith has started calling Jonathan, "Ohnny-int"  This is related to how she says medicine ("meddy-int") and other words that end in /n/. She also says her own name, which sounds unfortunately rather like "Hate" but the /t/ is a bit softer, maybe halfway between that and "Hathe".... (More)
Posted by joyful on April 15, 2011, 9:13 am
Category: Jonathan, Noah, Faith, Joy
I bought 6 Seagate hard drives from Amazon and Newegg, and both companies sent me drives that already had half their warranty expired. Amazon, after waiting for the customer support guy to handle 5 simultaneous chat sessions, and so was quite slow at responding, did send out a mailing label... (More)
Posted by jondaley on March 18, 2011, 11:39 am
Category: Reviews
I'd been having these strange contractions for a few days. Not the simple Brackston-Hicks that I have throughout pregnancy that feel tight but do not hurt. Not crampy labor contractions, either. They were very tight and they hurt. They came usually when I was sitting – on the couch or... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 25, 2011, 12:35 pm
Category: Joy
1/20 - Jonathan, as usual, singing while he plays and works.  This time it was, "Come, Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadil.  Come, Tom Bombadil..." 1/22 - When boys have a tea party:  Noah, Faith and I were playing with Faith's tea set.  Noah said he couldn't eat his soup because... (More)
Posted by joyful on February 3, 2011, 9:58 am
Category: General, Jonathan, Pregnancy, Noah, Faith
12/23 - Noah: "Tomorrow's tomorrow is Christmas!" Both Jonathan and Noah were sick in the car on the way to New Hampshire.  Blessedly, they both managed to get everything in the bowls and nothing on anyplace else in the car.  By the time we arrived, they were fine and the rest of... (More)
Posted by joyful on January 19, 2011, 7:00 pm
Category: Jonathan, Pregnancy, Noah, Faith
Heather asked me to give her the monthly time logs for invoices today, so I took the opportunity to run my brand new script that shows how I've spent my time over the entire year. I averaged: 13.7 hours a week on directly billable work 7.6 hours a week on maintaining the company, phone... (More)
Posted by jondaley on December 23, 2010, 11:40 am
Category: Reviews
We bought a "new" minivan last year, and it had the lowest mileage, and highest cost of any car we've owned so far.  It is a 1997 Oldsmobile Silhouette, and it had 107,000 miles on it.  We did a lot of driving (I hit 135,000 today, after a year and a half).  Heather and I both... (More)
Posted by jondaley on December 22, 2010, 10:41 pm
Category: Reviews
If Heather hasn't been writing recently, that means I'm not writing at all... First, the basement - after all of the ongoing water problems, and finding out this year that only fixing the gutters was not going to fix the entire problem, and if one is going to get water a couple times a year,... (More)
Posted by jondaley on December 22, 2010, 10:01 pm
Category: Reviews
I haven't been writing things down much recently, but here are a few. 12/14 - Faith likes to "write" and rarely draws, but she asked me to make a guy for her, which I did.  When she asked for more and more I reverted to a quick stick figure.  Then she started drawing her own... (More)
Posted by joyful on December 22, 2010, 8:57 pm
Category: Jonathan, Noah, Faith
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