We cooked bacon and pancakes (I found a nifty plastic pint jug in
Walmart or somewhere that you simply pour water into the jug, shake it
up, and pour it on the griddle) for breakfast, and then packed up and
planned to meet for lunch at Great Falls, 15 miles away.
Heather went back to the store for bread and bandaids (I cut myself
doing something, and Heather thought we might run out of bandaids) and
also to a McDonalds to sit in the air conditioning while she looked up
directions to the Fitzkee's house where we were going to stay for the
next couple days. Heather bought smoothies for Faith and herself since
they were pretty hot.
There was construction around Great Falls and Heather had some trouble
getting there, but we eventually met up and had lunch. I went to the
car to fill up on Gatorade and water and everyone else went to the
museum, though I didn't hear Heather when she said that, so I thought
they might have gone to the other overlook, so biked down there, but
they weren't there. Jonathan wanted to buy a "hidden creatures" book -
it had some dark lines drawn that showed a tree or or nature scene, and
then had a white spot in the middle, and you could only see the
creature if you turned the book in certain angles, or if you rub it
with a pencil.
We finished up the last 9 miles to our stopping point pretty quickly
- the towpath is in better shape closer to DC, though there was a big
storm the night before (fortunately, not where we were, we only saw a
bit of rain), but the trail was much wetter - we hadn't seen any mud
the entire trip until the last day, but we did slip a little, and had
to go through some pretty big puddles, so the bike was covered in mud
by the time we finished. Also, we were much more refreshed after a day
of resting, and so biked along pretty quickly.
We started a game of calling out creatures as we saw them, and
Jonathan developed an elaborate naming and numbering scheme. I think
the naming scheme was based off of Prudence's idea of never saying, "I
saw a crab in the creek", but would always say, "Oh look, a golf ball",
in order to keep anyone else from thinking that the creek would be a
good place to go crabbing. We started by calling out "one fish", "two
fish", etc. and that led any good read of Dr. Seuss to exclaim, "red
fish", "blue fish". That led to Jonathan's complicated numbering
scheme, by which you wouldn't say "one fish", but instead "orange
fish". And he had colors for ever number up to six or so. And then we
started naming every animal that we saw with a code name:
"blue": dragonfly
"yellow wing": Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly
"brown": turtle
"brown tail": squirrel
And then mixing the coding schemes, you might get "blue brown" or
"red blue", which would of course mean: "two turles" and "three
dragonflies", respectively.
That did slow our speed down somewhat, and I had to remind the boys
of our twelve mile an hour rule, which I instituted at some point on
our tandem biking trips. The rule is, if we are going less than 12
mph, the boys can't talk. That rule pretty much means that we never go
slower than 12mph, and Jonathan talks constantly the entire day. But,
sometimes he forgets and the chattering takes over the biking, but I
can refer Jonathan to the speedometer (I wired up a speedometer for him
in parallel to mine) and he tries to keep an eye on it.
We beat Heather to the stop - though we weren't exactly sure where
the stop was, since I had found it on google maps, and not on the trail
maps, so in this case (unlike most of the other stops), it was easy to
find by car, but not by bike. Heather texted to say that lock 8 was
the right stop, so we turned around and biked back to the previous
stop. But, it turned out that was after the lock 8 stop, and there was
a previous stop right at lock 8, that I hadn't really noticed. The
stop we took was haflway between lock 7 and lock 8 and it required
climbing a gigantic hill to get out to the street. It was pretty hard
work carrying the tandem up the hill. And when we arrived at the top,
Heather wasn't there, and I didn't know which way to go to get to the
co-op that we were supposed to meet at. I asked directions from a
biker, who was impressed that we had biked so far, but couldn't
understand why we would possibly bike all that way and not bike to the
end of the trail, and she looked pretty blank when I talked about the
hassles of traffic in DC. I suppose if you live there, you get used to
it. But, I showed her my map and she directed us to the right street.
Heather wasn't at the co-op either, so I texted her, and then we went
to get ice cream and a smoothie that I thought was going to be made
with actual fruit, but I think was just crushed ice and some syrup.
Heather says: Because Jon wasn't exactly sure where the access point
was, I thought I'd drive as far as I could and then walk (our map
wasn't clear what was driveable.) It wasn't a far walk and when I got
there there was a nice little lock house at lock 8, so that's when I
texted him. When he said they were turning around, I waited there for
them. It seemed to be taking a long time and there was thunder
approaching. I didn't relish the thought of putting the tandem on the
car in a rainstorm. It did start raining, but only lightly. Faith and
I sat on the porch of the lockhouse (which is only open weekends.)
Then all of a sudden I got Jon's message that they were at the co-op!
For some reason, this was frustrating to me (this is one of those times
when you look back on it you cannot find any reason, but it was truly
upsetting at the time. A combination of heat and lack of naps and
pregnancy hormones?) When I got to the parking lot (really there were
three lots, separated by buildings and hills) I did not see them. I
parked in front of the co-op and still they were not there, so I texted
Jon asking where he was and his reply was too cryptic for me. He
finally called and I was in tears when I answered the phone. But he
said they weren't upset that they had to ride that much further so it
was ok. I drove around and found them (the tandem was parked behind
some pillars so that is why I hadn't seen them before) and shared their
chips and cooled off in the buiilding (which was actually a different
store and not the co-op itself.)
(This is still Heather writing as these posts have taken all
afternoon and dear Jon is making us dinner right now.) We got the
tandem on the car with minimal trouble and drove to the Fitzkees'
place. Or at least to their street. All the condo buildings look the
same and the street numbers are partially hidden by landscaping
flowers. We ended up calling Jen and having her come outside to direct
us. We actually found the building before she came out and then she
was at the back door, but we eventually made it! It was great to be in
air conditioning again. We were all hot and sweaty and dusty and
tired, but it had been fun overall. E (three years old) was very happy
to have visitors and B (fifteen months) was rather timid at first, but
she warmed up to us pretty quickly. We had a yummy dinner of
Statistics for the fourth day:
25 miles (144 miles total for the entire trip)
Not really sure about the time, maybe 3 hours total
$25.59 ($5 smoothies, $5 bread and bandaids, $16 ice cream, drink, chips)
(and no flat tires the entire trip)
Summary Thoughts
The trip was a lot of
fun, and we're glad we did it. And I think we made the right
decision in taking a day off in the middle. I think that made the next
day much more enjoyable than it would have been if we had biked a lot
the day before. I think we'll do it again - maybe an every other year
sort of thing. Once the kids are bigger, they'll be able to pull more
of their own weight, and I we'll be able to do more of it, and travel
more quickly, etc. And I'd like to do a self-supported (no van) trip
at some point too.
We should have stopped at Paw Paw that first
night, or else started earlier, or not waded in the river, etc. because
it is hard setting up camp in the dark. And even harder biking in the
dark without a good light - the light (LED) I bought for Heather is
good for lasting a long time - I feel like my regular light wears out
the batteries every time I turn it on. But, Heather's light is great
for other people seeing you, but not very useful for shining your own
path. My regular light is better for that.
Because of the late
nights, we did bike the majority of what we set out to do, and then is
pyschologically good, at least for me. I asked the boys what their
favorite parts of the trip were and Jonathan said he wasn't sure about
his favorites, but his least favorites were biking in the dark and
walking through the Paw Paw tunnel. Noah said his favorite parts were
walking through the Paw Paw tunnel and biking in the dark. Jonathan
then admitted that biking in the dark would have been more fun if he
hadn't been so tired. They agreed that the stops for ice cream and
wading in the river and seeing all the wildlife were really good parts
of the trip.
The freeze-dried food was better than I thought, and
if you buy it at Walmart instead of REI, the price isn't totally
crazy. We probably should have skipped bringing our stove and just
bought one of those cool boil-in-a-minute stoves, and had more
freeze-dried food. We also brought our gas lantern, and while it is
really bright and a full tank of gas will last a really long time, it
is heavy, has glass in it and generally harder to deal with than an
electric flashlight.
We brought camp chairs, but never took them
out of the car. Mostly because we weren't in the campsites all that
long, but also, when you are only camping each place for one night, it
isn't worth setting up as much stuff as we would if we were camping
like "regular".
Heather didn't get to rest anywhere near as much
as we thought she would. We imagined she would drive along, maybe do
some grocery shopping or whatever, and then sit in the campground for
hours, reading or taking a nap, etc. That might happen a little better
if we didn't meet for lunch, at least not every day.
I am not
sure if the mapping could have been done any better - I did some
research on the internet, and we had good lists of places to stay near
the trail, etc. but most writers assume you don't have a van, so the
bikes can go wherever they'd like.
Water: the water was good
everywhere except at our last night of camping, where the water was
similarly colored to our home water. We used it for wash water, but
didn't drink any of it. I'm not sure if Gatorade would be strong
enough to cover up that much bad taste. We brought a Gatorade powder
that was listed as making 5 gallons of liquid. We drank plain water
some of the time, and had 1/2 or 2/3 concentrated Gatorade and then
some full strength. It only lasted two days for the three of us. Both
boys had a camel back and they drank a ton (and we stopped probably
twice an hour for bathroom breaks). It would have been nicer to have
more than one flavor. The blueberry and fruit punch flavors are
gross. The "artic freeze" or whatever it is called isn't too bad,
though the lemon-lime is the best. We bought some more powder, but we
could only find the lemon-lime powder, so it probably takes a little
more planning to find other flavors. We tried some Gatorade
knock-offs, but didn't find any that you would want to drink any
significant quantities of, particularly if they weren't cold. The
Western Maryland Rail Trail didn't have any water, and while there were
some access points to connect back to the towpath, the water points
aren't marked on the maps, so it would be hit or miss whether you would
find water. Most bikers seemed to not use the WMRT at all, and just
stay on the towpath. The van carried a five gallon container of cold
water (22 pounds of ice fits perfectly, and keeps the water icy cold
for two days, and pretty cold for three) and that was very nice to get
cold water at our stops, as opposed to the luke warm water from the
We were the latest starters on the trail, and it would
be good to get going earlier, and try to not bike too much in the hot
hours of the afternoon. We only saw a couple bikers that were doing
the whole trip. We never got passed by anyone while we were biking,
which that was nice to think about - that we were traveling at a decent
speed. We did get passed two or three times by bikers while we were
stopped for a bathroom break. And we saw a couple people a couple
times, like at lunch and then at the next campground, if they were
stopping earlier than us, etc. We never saw the same person more than
one day in a row, presumably because they were traveling longer
distances than us.
Because we met Heather for lunch each day, we
only carried a little bit of beef jerky and trail mix with us, and that
worked out well. We had some bike tools and extra gatorade powder in
our bag, and we could have easily carried more stuff on the bike.
Noah's pillow fell off a couple of times, once while he was using it and once or twice while we were riding along. We need to figure out a way to tape or otherwise attach it to the board. We are planning on replacing the board with a higher quality piece of wood, and varnishing it or something. The whole contraption came together a couple days before our trip, and we didn't have much time to get many parts other than what we had in the house.
says that if you had told her eight years ago that she ever would put
something other than water or milk in one of her children's sippy cups,
she would have been horrified. But Faith received Gatorade and
smoothie in hers this trip.
Posted by
Jon Daley on
August 20, 2010, 5:26 pm
| Read 4472 times
Thanks to Porter being late getting to this (and quoting to me parts that weren't familiar), I've now read your Summary Thoughts. :) It sounds like a wonderful learning trip.
I have to wonder about the Gatorade, though. Why? Why not plain water, especially in a camelback? I can't imagine it ever coming properly clean again after having Gatorade in it. Certainly you don't need good flavor to induce a child to drink after he's been biking for miles! I know I'm prejudiced by the fact that Gatorade makes me gag in any flavor, and can't imagine it satisfying my thirst except under desperate circumstances -- but how is it an improvement over chugging soda? [shudder]
We drank lots of water too, but from my experience with a trips of a couple days or more, you get pretty tired of drinking water (or any one flavor) after a while.
After the trip, I couldn't really think about drinking water for a couple days.
I forgot to say that I LOVE the 12 mph rule! I'd probably only be able to talk on the downhills, though.
Regarding Gatorade from another person who dislikes it nearly as much as you do, Mom: It's "supposed" to have good stuff that replenishes what you sweat out, though even Jon wonders if that's all marketing hype. But even I was glad to drink a few gulps of cold gatorade on the hottest of days. I think Jon's main reason for getting it in the first place was because some of the water you can get on the trail tastes bad and the gatorade was for coverup. There's debate among camelbak users about whether to only ever put water in it or not. I don't think the boys will mind a little residual taste.