As I looked at the maps for the third day, we were going to be
biking near various battlefields and other tourist-type places to
visit, and so in the interest of resting a little, I decided we should
drive for a ways and then maybe bike in the afternoon.
We drove
from Williamsport to Antietam National Battlefield. In Antietam, we
walked along a road reading various plaques and looking at the
cornfield where a significant battle took place 140 years ago. We also
went to the visitors' center and examined a number of cannons and also
checked out a construction project for a new sidewalk.
Once we
arrived in Harpers Ferry, WV (and the road goes through Virginia for
less than a mile, so three states for today), we decided that we
wouldn't bike at all that day, and just take some more time to look at
some more things We stopped by a "Tourist Info" center, and I asked
them if they had any ideas of things to do with my famiy, and I told
them where we were headed for the evening, and they couldn't really
think of anything to do. They asked if we had seen the towpath, and
said that probably we should go back to Maryland if we wanted to see
anything. I thought that seemed odd, since I had heard of Harpers
Ferry, and presumably there were things to do there.
We drove
across the street to a National Park Visitors' Center, and they happily
took some money for a shuttle ride to downtown and gave us some
suggestions of things to do while we were there. They gave the boys
some Junior Ranger activity books and the boys happily started filling
them out as we thought about where to spend our time. I am not quite
sure what the Tourist Information center is there for, if they are not
aware of everything you can do at Harpers Ferry National Park - maybe
they thought we wouldn't want to walk around, but I specifically asked
if there was a place that we could eat lunch by a river, and they
didn't think there was.
We ate lunch on the banks of the
Shenandoah River, and though there wasn't much shade, it was a nice
place. Jonathan went to investigate the river, and promptly fell in
with his clothes on and we hadn't brought any extra clothes with us. I
suggested that the boys swim in their underwear, and Jonathan's clothes
were mostly dry by the time we left. We missed the walking tours we
were hoping to go on. We stopped by the Information Center so Jonathan
could get a question answered for his activity book, and received some
more advice about things that would be interesting for us to do.
went to the armory (which I had asked if it was just an old field and
was assured that it wasn't, and there were all sorts of weapons to look
at and touch, etc). I'm not sure if the info center guy has ever been
to the armory. It is a field with lines on it where the armory
buildings used to be. There are a handful of displays, and a trigger
of a gun that you can touch. One other display had some things that
had been found in an archeological dig, so you could look at an old
comb, a knife and other boring things. We were really hot, and the
only water available was so hot that another tourist said he'd wait
rather than drink the "tea" water.
We walked through the
Meriwether Lewis building that had some interesting things to read
about the beginning of the famous trip of Lewis and Clark - Lewis
stayed in Harpers Ferry for a while gathering supplies and working on
some collapsible boat models.
We then headed to the John Brown
building, and found a "free ice pops for kids" ice cream place, and
spent $10 for Heather and I to get an ice cream and sherbet/soda
drink. But, we were significantly cooled down by the ice.
stayed at the John Brown museum for the rest of the day - there were
various videos that were supposed to play every 15 minutes or
something, but I think because it was so late, they stopped playing.
But, we read various things about him and then stayed in the air
conditioning finishing the Junior Ranger books. It turns out no one
knew we were there, and the ranger was surprised when he discovered us
and said that the building had closed a while ago, and we should leave.
went back outside to finish the books, and then discovered that the
Visitors' Center was also closed, and so the boys couldn't get their
badges or whatever for finishing the books. The shuttle driver said
that she thought we could contact them via their web page and they
would mail us the prizes.
If it hadn't been so hot, we would have
spent more time in Harpers Ferry - there are a lot of things to see
there that are probably better in colder weather.
Then we drove
to our planned campground, which was a walk-in campsite, but we thought
we could manage the third of a mile walk with our stuff. On the way,
we stopped at a grocery store (today had been our planned laundry and
shopping day, but Heather did the wash in the hotel) to buy some fresh
food for aluminum foil packet dinners. We didn't bring a cooler on
this trip at all, and so planned our food and milk purchases
carefully. I told the kids about Grampa Daley's theory about buying
ice cream while camping - you have to buy a half gallon, and since it
won't keep, the only thing to do is to eat the whole thing. I ended up
buying Italian ices instead.
We arrived at the campground, and I
walked in to make sure there was room (the C&O camping rules say
that if there is already a person at the campsite, then you have to go
to the next one). This campsite turned out to be a really huge site -
probably three sites there or so, and the family was there was happy to
have us stay, "as long as you don't make fun of us for bringing so much
equipment". They lived somewhat near DC and were planning on biking a
couple miles each day for two days or so. They also had a boat and
motored around on the river in the morning. As was becoming our habit,
we arrived pretty close to dark, so we tried to setup our tent quickly,
and get the fire going, since we weren't going to eat until the fire
was ready. I brought a half bag of charcoal, which turned out to be
really good, because while there was some wood around the campsite,
there wasn't anywhere you could buy wood, so it was quite helpful.
fox was interested in our dinner and came pretty close to us, and would
only go a little ways off when I went after him. On his third time
visiting the site, I took a big log and threw it at him, and that
scared him off until the middle of the night. It was really hot, and
the sweat poured off of us as we lay on our sleeping bags. The
campground is also pretty close to Dulles airport and there were lots
of planes flying overhead. But, I finally did get to sleep, because
during the night, I suddenly awoke with something walking on the tent
wall (squishing the tent wall onto my leg). I foggily realized it was
some sort of animal, and so I yelled and kicked it through the tent
wall and he went about six feet away. Once I got out of the tent, he
was gone, but I brought another log near the tent so I could throw it
at him if he came back. It was really hard to get back to sleep after
Statistics for the third day:
0 miles biked (other than a couple trips to and from the car)
$6 for the shuttle to Harpers Ferry (I think you might be able to park in downtown and skip the visitors center entirely)
$23 for dinner and Italian ice
$30 for gas
$3 for gatorade (we used up all of our 5 gallon gatorade powder in
the first two days, and were trying to find some different flavors that
tasted good, since we were kind of tired of lemon-lime and plain water)
Posted by
Jon Daley on
August 20, 2010, 5:25 pm
| Read 2489 times