5/18 - Noah sucessfully put back one of his big knob puzzle pieces.
In the last few days, Jonathan has been interested in lighting a candle at the table (not just for dinner, but anytime.) He can now strike a match and light the candle all by himself. (I have strongly cautioned him that an adult must always give permission and be present when he lights matches.) Noah adores the lit candle as well, making these really funny happy noises when he sees it.
So I guess being vegetarian has not rubbed off from father to son. Today in the late morning Jonathan said to me, "Mom, what I want for lunch today is bacon, ham, and refried meat."
Speaking of ham, Jonathan has the ShurSave deli people wrapped around his little finger. He asks, "Please can I have some deli cheese and ham?" And they make him a little roll up with a slice of american and a slice of ham. All the employees just love Jonathan and Noah and comment about how good they are all the time and how they never cry. Which is not quite true, but they never seem to notice when my kids are not behaving well. Maybe it's because I address it quickly... They also say how Noah looks exactly like Jonathan, and how big they're getting.
Posted by
Heather Daley on
May 21, 2007, 3:24 pm
| Read 4264 times
"Refried meat"? Is that refried beans for carnivores?
I'm not really sure what he means by it.