Not to be outdone by his brother, Jonathan has some interesting things for a blog post today, too. 


Recently, he's been enjoying cutting out paper shapes that he draws or that I draw for him.  This morning he asked me to draw the picture from the first page of Curious George Gets a Medal.  Then he wanted me to write all the words down, but I said no, since they are already written down.  So he proceeded to write them himself. He sounded out the words to himself, to see how to spell them.  This is what he wrote, "D M N N JJ L."  Can you read it?


"Dis MorNiNg, JeorJe was aLone."


I wrote about Jonathan's fascination with candles earlier.  At lunch time today, he looked at the flame and exclaimed, "Hey, that's my favorite color!  Yellow kinda browny tanny orangeish."


There's a pothole down our street that is the bottomless pit.  The city guys keep coming to fill it with gravel and repave the spot, only to have it sink in again a month or so later (it's happened at least three times.)  So today we saw a backhoe come driving down our street and had to investigate.  When we got there, we saw one man getting a jackhammer out.  He had on protective ear muffs, so I had to explain to Jonathan that we would have to go home until he was done, to protect our ears. 


In the mean time, Jonathan had a good question.  If he wants to fix the hole, why is he making it bigger?  My theory is that they have to open it up wider to figure out what's going on - the problem is deeper than what a simple solution (filling in) can handle.


It wasn't hard to tell when the jackhammering was done, so we headed back over about half an hour later to check out the scene. The man had hammered four nice lines in a rectangle around the hole.  We got in a conversation with him, and he said he recognized Jonathan.  I don't remember him, but he said he remembers Jonathan watching over the balcony.  "He was a big kid, that one."  Jonathan replied, "Yes, I'm big.  I'm bigger than my brother."


For some reason they decided not to do any digging today, but they said they'll be back "bright and early" tomorrow morning. "and be sure to wear your hard hat!"  So look for a report of the digging soon!

Posted by Heather Daley on May 23, 2007, 2:11 pm | Read 2110 times
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It's just like at the dentist: You have to dig a bigger hole before filling it in. But with a tooth the reason is to make sure you get all the decay, so I think the analogy breaks.

Posted by SursumCorda on May 23, 2007, 3:19 pm
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