Grace woke up Friday morning wanting to eat and drink, and she has kept everything down. There is a cold running around our house, which I thought she was getting last night, but she seems ok this morning. However, she did wake up with her nose tube pulled out again. So we are trying out the day to see how much she can eat and drink without it. She took her morning meds like a champ. In addition, she has some itchiness on her trunk that may be weather related or may be gvhd related. We have cortisone cream for that and the doctors are keeping an eye on it.

Posted by Heather Daley on October 20, 2024, 10:48 am | Read 213 times
Category Grace: [first] [previous]

I'm glad she is feeling better. And hope those with colds are feeling better too. Love to all!

Posted by Dstb on October 20, 2024, 11:29 am

Unless your weather has changed markedly since we left, it's certainly not heat rash....

Posted by Linda Wightman on October 20, 2024, 5:20 pm

So good to hear Grace is feeling better. Praying it was just her version of the cold and that everyone is also getting better and Grace is able to eat & drink enough on her own!

Posted by Nancy Shee on October 20, 2024, 5:46 pm

Thank you for the update! I'm so glad she's eating and has an opportunity to try eating more on her own with the tube coming out (upon reading it I was thinking, "No coincidences, maybe its getting pulled out so she can show the doctors what they need to she's doing better and ready for a little less intervention??OO)
As for the rash, my first thought was, maybe it's viral/related to the cold virus that some have and she got her own version of (which happens often in our house)
Maybe its roseola or something like that. With this viral infection, most kids start with a simple cold and then they develop a rash that covers their entire body, but this happens after a fever subsides (might still be even though she didn't get a fever). When the rash comes, the child is typically actually acting and feeling better.

Posted by Faith on October 21, 2024, 8:07 am
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