From Alex:

Please forgive me, my fellow peddlers, for the confusion as the right of the 140+ crest. As the journey from Mckeesport to Ohiopyle is 70+ miles, of you traveled with us down and back, you are rightfully a member of the 140+ guild.

I currently await the return of Ryan the Healer of BooBoos from his "day job." At which point we will enter into deep council and discuss the events which are dated to unfold on the 21st.

However, as not to halt deliberation of the assembly, I will list the following tentative plans concerning the party of the Grove.
Our party has increased in number with addition of Andrew the Quick, and Kyle the Quiet & Contemplative. It is becoming more apparent that the "itch" has been preying on younger hearts. I only wonder if the younger inexperienced addition to the fellowship will be able to endure the trip...
The date for our departure is the 21st.

Other pressing details will be addressed after my council with Ryan the Healer.

Until then,

Alex, formally the Stout Heart due to an unfortunate cardiovascular transplant.

And the next day:

After speaking with the fellow members of the grove, we have come to a collective conclusion concerning the taunting of the water god. Though we do not doubt the abilities of Josh the Mushroom Cleric to appease this force of nature, we have deemed it in our best interest if we remained behind during this conquest.

Strongest regards,
Alex, formally the Stout Heart due to an unfortunate cardiovascular transplant.

Posted by Jon Daley on May 25, 2010, 10:46 am | Read 2007 times
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