Jonathan has been very happy with his bits recently, asking for them a lot. He is never bored with the picture bits, but I have had to scale down on the math and reading cards. However, the other day I discovered a way to show the math dots that keeps him riveted. I say the number several times, turning the card and showing a new angle for every repetition. He likes that much better and thinks it's pretty fun. He will look at six in a row when I do it that way.
I introduced works of Van Gogh today. It's quite a mouthful to start a category like that - "This work of Van Gogh is called 'Self Portrait With Bandaged Ear'" - but he kept his attention on them the whole time. After today, I'll just be saying the name of the work, so that will go more quickly.
Posted by Heather Daley on February 9, 2005, 10:08 am | Read 2363 times
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