Good advice: if you're tired, make yourself get some exercise, even (or especially) if you're pregnant!
I have observed before that I feel better when I am getting exercise, but for some reason I have lacked motivation to be consistent. Jon has been bugging me a lot about exercising, mostly I think because I told him I needed and wanted to do it. I still wasn't doing much more than once a week.
After the last midwife apointment, Jon said something that finally kicked me into gear. "You need to be prepared to push out a big baby. Please do your exercises!"
I have been doing two different sets of exercises designed for pregnancy. One is the third trimester E-cise set by
Pete Egoscue and the
Quick Fix Prenatal Workout DVD. If I start my E-cises, then Jonathan usually asks me to turn on the exercise video. They are easy enough to not tire me out (if I do only two out of three on the DVD) and yet I can tell they are working. And in general, I'm feeling less tired!
Posted by
Heather Daley on
May 4, 2006, 2:40 pm
| Read 2546 times
I'm not one to talk, but may I suggest walking, too? Especially now that Jonathan's fast enough to let you walk at a pace something greater than a casual stroll. I've been walking between 40 and 80 minutes a day -- admittedly for only a couple of weeks, but already it makes a difference! One thing I don't want to do when we come visit is stop exercising, which is what seems to happen every time we travel. Maybe Jonathan will want to go walking in the cemetery with Grandma....