We skipped the four month appointment because we were in Switzerland, but six months came quickly enough. At 27.5" long and 16.8lb, she is 50% in weight but 95% in height! Dr.Anderson wondered if we weighed her correctly, but he said when he saw her he had no concerns about her health. I had thought she was tall, or at least had long arms, since all her long sleeved shirts come up to the middle of her forearms. She's no skinny minny, though, so I too wonder if the weight is correct.
He was very happy with everything about her and we had a positive visit. She had her first shot which she has done very well with, praise God. I am happy with our decision to wait a few months. Let the immune system get bolder, let the thighs get fatter... Much easier to take that way.
Posted by
Heather Daley on
March 8, 2009, 8:09 pm
| Read 2796 times
For comparison, at approximately the same age:
Jonathan: 23 pounds, 10 ounces, 27 inches long
Noah: 21 pounds, 8 ounces, 29 inches long
Why did you just weigh her again to be sure?
They had a portable scale that time and had already wheeled it out of the room. The doctor didn't think it important enough to do a recheck.