3/6 - Jonathan beat Heather in chess, fair and square!
3/18 - Noah said, "I love you" for the first time. It was to Faith. Later that day, he said it again to Daddy as he was leaving to go shopping. He has yet to say it to me, but I know it will come.
3/22 - At a meal, Faith may have signed more and please.
3/23 - In his sleep, Noah said, "Mommy, put it under me."
3/25 - After a few weeks of misery, the upper right front tooth finally made a permanent appearance. This was the most troublesome tooth any of my kids have had so far. It would just cut through, and then the gums would heal over. Then repeat, for days! Ouch, poor girl... But it is finally here, and she can now grind her teeth. Ouch for Mommy's ears. (:
3/26 - Faith is now crawling on hands and knees with a nice cross pattern! (This is otherwise known as creeping.) The video actually captures one of the first successful attempts. By the end of the day, the cross pattern was much more defined. Faith is not quite seven months old.
Posted by
Heather Daley on
March 27, 2009, 8:37 am
| Read 2495 times
And what a big grin -- she is justifiably pleased with herself!
Is Noah asking you to talk?
And congratulations to Jonathan! Now beat Dad-o....
Yes. But I thought it unnecessary - she didn't need any extra motivation, and I didn't want to say anything irrelevant, either. (such as, "no, bud, I don't want to talk right now")
Leave it to Mom to comment one minute after I posted. (:
The scenario, as I played it out in my head, had Noah coming in on the scene, wanting something to eat -- I see him opening the pantry door. Then you shook your head at him, and he asked, "Why, Mommy?" When you didn't respond, he kept asking you to talk. That may be reading too much into the exchange, however. I'm not sure which was more fun, watching Faith creep or listening to Noah talk, but you certainly captured two distinct and delightful events in one small video. :)
He was actually telling me that Jonathan was making him a lego pistol ("pih") He just opens the pantry door for fun, pretty much every time he goes past it. The rest of your analysis seems good, though. I'm glad I accidentally got both. Noah's talking is so much more now, that I forgot the rest of you haven't heard it much. I might even be able to get him to say something for his own video.