On Sunday after church, we were driving around the area and went to the lake we visited in the summer. It was frozen over, people were ice fishing. We walked on carefully, telling Jonathan to stay near us and of the dangers of weak ice. We found an abandonded, yet fresh, ice fishing hole about three inches in diameter. From this hole we were able to determine that the ice was about four inches thick.
We were poking sticks in, and also the tips of our sneakers. Noah wanted to copy us, and all of a sudden, his whole foot slipped through and he went down to his knee! This was quite upsetting for him, but we thought it rather amusing. After all, he was in no real danger. We took off his wet sock and gave him one of mine temporarily (which kept him warm to his knee!) and then changed his pants when we got back to the car.
Today was his (very late) 18 month appointment. 31 pounds, 37 inches. Dr. Anderson was very happy with everything and said that officially, signs count as words because it's communication. If Noah's level of verbal and sign communication is at this same level at two years of age, he'll want to schedule speech and hearing appointments, but right now he's happy just giving Noah more time.
Posted by
Heather Daley on
February 7, 2008, 5:21 pm
| Read 2849 times
After reading the title, I was thinking, "capsized again??" but the Black Rabbit is no ice boat. :)