Since he was 6 months old, Jonathan has gotten a haircut about every three months. We just take the largest guard on the electric razor and buzz it the same length all the way around. His previous haircut was just after Noah was born, so it was time. Plus, Auntie E's wedding is next week! But this time, Jonathan had an opinion. "I like it long! I don't want a haircut." So Jon just trimmed the sides and back but left everything else as it was. It looks good and makes him look older, I think.
Posted by Heather Daley on October 9, 2006, 6:45 am | Read 2305 times
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I like it long, too! Especially in the pictures of him and his guitar. (Cute strap, by the way.)
Posted by SursumCorda on October 9, 2006, 7:20 am
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