One afternoon we were shredding carrots in the food processor for a salad.  Noah was getting upset, so Jonathan said to me, "You go ahead and give Noah milk; I'll finish the carrots."


Noah has been wanting to eat more and has had lots of practice feeding bits of things to himself.  He is consistent getting food into his mouth now and he almost has the pincer grasp, but not quite.


On Tuesday, Noah successfully "stepped" forward with his hands in the creeping position.  He has been rocking on all fours, and can pull his knees forward, but everytime he'd try the hand, he'd go back on his stomach.  Since then he has done it a couple more times, so I suspect that full creeping on hands and knees is imminent. 


He reaches for me to pick him up now, and can also crawl to me and touch my leg to indicate that he wants to be held. 


Yesterday in the car Noah was grinding his teeth (I think now that is associated with teething) and Jonathan spoke harshly to him to stop.  This caused great crying and I suggested to Jonathan that he sing lullabies to his brother instead of speaking unkindly.  So he started a very sweet version of "my little baby doesn't cry" and within a minute, Noah was asleep.  It was satisfying to both of us that the gentle singing did the trick.


Also yesterday, the three of us played piano together while waiting for Daddy to come home.  Jonathan said we should sing, "Graceful Noise, Ye" so after he told me how it went, we did.


Jonathan likes to call unlit places the "donnery dark." 


It has finally snowed enough in Pittsburgh to warrant real shoveling, which Jonathan has been looking forward to all winter.  Yesterday we had a blast outside, shoveling and brushing everything within 50 feet.  Today there was more snow and Jonathan spent a long time playing in it with the shovels, brooms, and toy trucks.  He brought his shovel with him when we walked to the store and a couple of people asked if he would shovel their driveways.  He'd be only too happy to if we knew where they lived! 

Posted by Heather Daley on January 26, 2007, 2:36 pm | Read 4237 times
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And did he? Finish the carrots by himself?

Noah may be like his mother -- creeping only half a month after crawling. :)

Posted by SursumCorda on January 26, 2007, 3:09 pm

What's the difference between creeping and crawling?

Posted by Peter V on January 26, 2007, 3:58 pm

I can answer that one. :) Crawling is with the belly on the floor -- it's sometimes called a combat crawl. Creeping is on hands and knees.

Posted by SursumCorda on January 26, 2007, 4:45 pm

So, you see the problem is that what everyone normally calls crawling, the Wightmans and the Institutes for Human Achievement people call creeping, and vice versa.

Heather said that Theresa also knew about this switched language - she called it "therapy speak" or something.

Posted by jondaley on January 26, 2007, 10:52 pm

About carrots - he could have but I wasn't quite sure, so I just picked Noah up and supervised the finishing of the carrots. So he did do it by himself, but it wasn't without adult eyes watching.

It's the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential. Jon asked me last night what the name was, and I was either too distracted or too sleepy to answer correctly.

Good thing today is Saturday - Jon can take Jonathan down to make breakfast while Noah and I sleep a little more (I'm thinking Noah will go back to sleep soon...)

Posted by joyful on January 27, 2007, 5:14 am

You're up even earlier than me. But I won't be going back to sleep. :)

I'm so used to it I forgot about the crawling/creeping confusion. It's not just the IAHP; physical therapists and the military apparently agree on one definition, and the rest of the world just the reverse.

Posted by SursumCorda on January 27, 2007, 7:07 am
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