April 20 - Completely screwed on the parmesean cheese lid (empty jar.)
April 22 - "chalk"
April 25 - Tripped while dancing on the couch and landed on the coffee table - nasty bruise by his eye. But thank God, his eye is fine. It looks like he was in a fight...
April 26 - "basket" , "dark", signed "mommy"
April 27 - Said, "Daddy? down down, truck." When I said, "you want me to come downstairs and play trucks with you?" he said and signed "please."
Successfully put most shapes into the tupperware shape sorter. At first, he would only put them in if he saw the right hole. After I showed him how to look, he would pick it up and find the hole. The only shape he wouldn't do was the pie piece.
Posted by Heather Daley on April 27, 2005, 8:41 am | Read 2617 times
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Hooray! He signed "Mommy"! One of these days he may even stop calling you "Daddy." :) I can't wait to see him.
Posted by SursumCorda on April 27, 2005, 11:08 am
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