12/16 - Headed up in the snow for another midwife appointment.  I gained more weight this time, but Thanksgiving was in between visits...  My iron was low again, despite diligently eating that horrible molasses, but she was suspicious that her hemoglobin tester is off calibration.  All other stats are on track.  The one concern was that the baby was head up, which I had suspected for about a week before.  Since this one and Isaac were the only ones to be head up at this stage, I was tempted to worry and imagine scenarios.  But I kept repeating to myself, "Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition make your requests known unto God and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

C gave us some ideas for turning that I had not heard before.  The one we tried a few days later was placing an ice pack up on top of where his head is and a nice warm compress down low where it should be.  Our baby definitely moved a lot in response to the ice but did not seem to turn all the way, we think he liked his feet warm.  Then yesterday we prepared to try it again and as I was feeling around, it seemed that he had turned!  This morning, I definitely felt little feet kicking on top.  Praise God!  Those who pray for us, we would appreciate if you continue to pray that this little guy stays head down.

Posted by Heather Daley on December 22, 2010, 8:46 pm | Read 5856 times
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