Noah can buckle his own seatbelt in the car now.

His speech is continually improving.  Jon could tell the difference when he came back from the Dominican.  /g/ and /k/ are now well established in his regular vocabulary.  We're working on /f/ /v/ /l/ /s/  in our school times and he can do them well when he thinks about it.

He's also fixing on his own some vowel sounds that he had wrong.  "kite" used to be something like "kut" and now is correct.

He can count to ten without skipping and he loves playing Pegs in the Park.

On the earlier mentioned biking day, Noah rode his pedal-less bike and made progress with that, too.  He had fun going down a slight hill (drveway) with his feet up.

Noah is an excellent clothes folder and enjoys it, too.

Noah and Faith play together often when Jonathan isn't around (reading Star Wars most likely) and they do play very well together.  Noah takes such good care of her.  He'll help her go to the bathroom and even will put on a new diaper (sometimes!).  He sings songs to her.  They enjoy each others' presence.  This is a very sweet thing for my mother-heart.

He is also a good pancake flipper.

Posted by Heather Daley on April 10, 2010, 9:34 am | Read 2590 times
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Noah and Faith play together often when Jonathan isn't around (reading Star Wars most likely)

Ah, that's what we did wrong. Janet needed a younger sibling to play with while you were reading. :)

Posted by SursumCorda on April 10, 2010, 11:06 am
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