2/11 - Faith, looking at cousin Cole's cute pictures. "Me wikey 'at wittle Tole, Tole, Tole."

2/24 - Milk started coming in Thursday evening.  Joy is a good nurser.

2/26 - Joy's cord fell off.  Noah called it the "umbilicord" when talking with Faith about it. Faith is very excited about the bellybutton.

2/27 - Faith, talking about Joy's hiccups, "Baby 'Oy had hip-up twenty-teen long time."

Things are going well.  Everybody has adjustments to make.  Faith loves her new little sister and likes to hold her a lot.  She is having a bit of a hard time with the reduced Mommy time.  She gets weepy about things that weren't such a big deal before.  Noah is more of a silent sufferer, but I can sense he is also adjusting. Jonathan seems to be doing great and he is very helpful.  He loves to check in on Joy throughout the day.

Jon and Mom are wonderful about doing lots of work and letting me rest.

Posted by Heather Daley on February 27, 2011, 2:27 pm | Read 3205 times
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Let me add that I'm not sure Jonathan has noticed reduced Mommy time because he is immersed in Calvin & Hobbes.

Posted by SursumCorda on February 27, 2011, 3:20 pm

love following along in your "babymoon"!!

Posted by ~liz on February 27, 2011, 6:20 pm

Jonathan sounds like his cousins. Calvin & Hobbes, Baby Blues, Fox Trot. Those are the favorites. But, they have also been turned on to Get Fuzzy and Pearls Before Swine. We are hoping for a new Frazz at some point.

Posted by dstb on February 28, 2011, 8:11 am
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